Big-Eared Bat


If you want to start off your day with a heartwarming story, read about the rescue of a nest of Ozark Big-Eared Bats, Plecotus townsendii ingens.

Isn't that little guy cute?

Me, I'm going to run off and spend my morning getting the first day of classes off the ground. It's going to be a busy semester, I can already tell.


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Nice story.

There are seasonal closures of caves out here to protect the main-stem species, Townsend's big-eared bat. Lava Beds National Monument, one of the less-known jewels of the US National Park system, has a sizable population of Townsend's that breeds in the lava tubes there.

I just think they're pretty.

By Tara Mobley (not verified) on 17 Jan 2006 #permalink

Hey, well i am so glad that i found this website because i got a lot of info about the Ozark Bat and i wrote a newsletter about for my science class and we are going to try to do something to help them but i don't know what to do.