Mom, he's picking on me!

Since Thursday, Wiley has been running a series of
strips mocking
bloggers. I'm beginning to feel opressed.


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He got in a fight last year about internet cartoonists, IIRC. Just another old guy who doesn't understand this new medium. Which is a shame, because his comic strip is one of very few worth reading. The only such ones I'm aware of are:

Get Fuzzy (sometimes)
Dilbert (sometimes)

anybody got any suggestions for other strips?

In its own over-the-top way, I thought the recent series of Rudy Park strips about ID (The "Scones-Monkey Trial") was fun. (I read it in the NYT online version.)

Wiley makes it a habbit to go after self-publishers. Must be scary to realize that a bunch of young people are getting ready to destroy the entire framework that you built your career on...

Though the comic is really true about your average, "Me and My Cat" style blogging. And I will give Wiley that.

steve s:

Yes, THIS, although the last week or so has been a bit patchy because they've had blogger trouble. Do the archives.

"Wiley makes it a habbit to go after self-publishers. Must be scary to realize that a bunch of young people are getting ready to destroy the entire framework that you built your career on..."

Oh, I doubt that he's scared. Self-publishers are a threat to nobody, although certainly the more interesting bloggers will graduate to being legitimately published. Look at (the original) Wonkette. And who knows, while PZ has his hands full teaching and doing research, maybe he'll become the next Dawkins or something and start writing general interest books about squid and evolution.

When people say things like "young people are getting ready to destroy the entire framework that you built your career on" I immediately think of the 20-something dot-com CEOs circa 1999...

Nothing to do with the were hunting for a copy of Richard Dawkins's recent programmes on Channel 4 recently. I'm told you can get them here

but I haven't checked yet.

By potentilla (not verified) on 23 Jan 2006 #permalink

[spelling Nazi] Well, as long as you're not feeling oppressed (with two "p"s), that's OK then. ;) [/spelling Nazi]

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 23 Jan 2006 #permalink

Other comic strips?

Pibgorn (really should be re-named "Drusilla," but...)
both on comicsdotcom

James 2:24

Now you know how the poor Big Oil people feel.

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 23 Jan 2006 #permalink

anybody got any suggestions for other strips?

Just avoid Dilbert, Johnny Hart, Sally Forth, Wee Pals, and, especially Mallard Fillmore, and you should be fine.

By george cauldron (not verified) on 23 Jan 2006 #permalink

Yeah, I already avoid those and more. It's harder to find good ones than avoid bad ones. Rudy Park, someone mentioned, I like a little bit, despite the fact that it's really really derivative of Bloom County, and poorly drawn. User Friendly would also be better but the guy doesn't even have Scott Adams's artistic talent, and that's really saying something.

Other comics - Sylvia, Rhymes with Orange.

By Buffalo Gal (not verified) on 23 Jan 2006 #permalink

cartoon, seen on a cube near me:

image is just of two dogs, one is talking to the other.

Caption: "I used to blog but I've gone back to pointless incessant barking."

It very nearly made me quit posting...I've got better things to do with my time or so I am told.