Maybe it's because I'm too dignified to go slumming there

This just isn't right. First Ezra Klein subs for Wonkette, and now Glenn Reynolds…why not PZ Myers? Am I too pervy for them? Or was it the lack of wonk?

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Why would any serious blogger want to associate himself with Wonkette?

She gets a huge amount of traffic, for one thing.

But otherwise, yeah, Wonkette is not a site I read much. I guess I'm not wonky enough.

You don't post enough about anal sex, PZ, and are therefore disqualified right out of the gate.

(Neither does Reynolds, of course, but being an asshole and a dickhead both he's personifies the topic.)

What a perfect place for that disgusting toad Reynolds. Finally he's reached his true level.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 25 Jan 2006 #permalink

I read it when I'm bored at work. There's not much "Detailed analysis" like you'd find over at American Prospect's blog, Wonkette is more like the New York Post's Page 6, she just puts rumors and stuff on there, posts about things that go on in Washington around their normal business of lying, cheating and taking bribes for a living. The Wonkette site is part of a series of snotty rumor sites which really only exist to speed my journey from 9 to 5.

By Jason Powers (not verified) on 25 Jan 2006 #permalink

Yes, of course PZ is too dignified for Wonkette. I agree with the comparison to Page 6. It definitely represents what is most wrong with political reporting and blogging--turning it into a game, laughing at the antics of Washington insiders, and behaving as if finding an ironic perspective justifies letting everything go to crap around you while you don't lift a hand to help.

Too pervy for Wonkette?

Also, I don't get the ongoing idea behind the site. I thought Ana Marie Cox=Wonkette was the whole idea. But she's not blogging any more. Why does the site live on?