Here's a spiffy picture.

It's almost ruined for me by the artist's description, though.
Here, raw sexual aggression is symbolized by the sperm whale, while the squid acts as a thinly-disguised metaphor for the multi-armed oligarchies of Rockefeller, Hearst, and Morgan. Their battle plays against the backdrop of the sea, standing in for—what else?—the vastness of the unconscious mind.
He can't possibly be serious. It reminded me more of this:

Forget the metaphors and monopolies and minds…it's just cooooool.
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My son (now 16) probably would not have learned to read had it not been for Calvin & Hobbes & The Far Side. We had many sessions of reading those aloud and then listening to him puzzling out what some of the cartoons meant (listening to a 6 year old try to figure out The Far Side was especially hilarious).
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This isn't the first time here that I'm having a hard time reading the text in the pictures.
I love Brandon Bird's stuff. And I think that if you take a look at the rest of his work you'll realize that he's just having a lot of fun.
My personal fave is
...and for those of us who want to see dinosaurs AND Bea Arthur (together at last!)
Kinda puts the "he can't possibly be serious" to rest, I think. ;-)
I presume the genus we're looking at here is "Tyrranoteuthis"
Having gone to art college - The description is a great parody of the kind of stuff people write about their work. My opinion is that if you need a paragraph next to the piece to get people to understand your intention, you've failed as an artist. Of course, the people who put up shows want (sometimes require) a little card with a paragraph about the piece, so I can totally understand why one would have fun with it.
I hope you didn't miss this...
perhaps when I get home I could do a little photoshop magic and put PZ's face there.
If I'd browsed the site a little more, I would have discovered he was being ironic.
I'd have also found this masterpiece that I want on my wall.
Oh, and the captions in the cartoon:
"Tyrannosaurs in F-14s!!"
"This is so cool!"
"This is so stupid."
Tell me you're not serious in wondering if the artist was serious.
Wyland could learn from this guy.
So Bird's a Something Awful contributor, then?
Ahahaha! That reminds me of the time Charles Platt claimed that Garbage World and Planet of the Voles, two of the pulpiest pulps to ever see print, were supposed to be SFnal explorations of Freudian stages of psychosexual development.
Bird is the genius behind the Law and Order coloring book.
'while the squid acts as a thinly-disguised metaphor for the multi-armed oligarchies of Rockefeller, Hearst, and Morgan"
That's not even original. The use of multi-tentacled sea creatures to represent unrestrained, grasping, corporatism is as old, as unrestrained, grasping, corporatism. Here are six examples from the early days of anti-trust.
please forgive the long link
What does the Tyrannosaurus rex symbolize?
Go T. rex, munch that ugly squid to extinction!
On second thought, forget about my last comment. I don't like squids (or other cephalopods), but I realize I was a bit insensitive to some of the cephalopod-lovers here. My apologies.
What many people don't know is that Bill Watterson used to play with They Might Be Giants. The painting above was the original artwork for Apollo 18, before Bill and They went their separate ways.
PZ, you can order a signed print of The Anguish from his website.
Calvin and Hobbes. Sigh.