Tara Smith on dKos

Tara Smith is interviewed by DarkSyde on Daily Kos. It's good stuff, but be warned: epidemiologists and microbiologists are among the scariest kinds of people to have a conversation with.


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Those darn plagues that you're always brewing up ;)

Oh, you know why. I think microbiologists like to make their students cry with all the horrors they can trot out.

The best I can do is make them puke in the aisles by showing them some grisly embryological deformities.

epidemiologists and microbiologists are among the scariest kinds of people to have a conversation with

Not all of us microbiologists work in pathogenesis and disease. You're so close minded PZ (that's a joke), there is a whole beautiful world of microbial diversity.

Are you a hypochondriac?

By evilchemistry (not verified) on 03 Feb 2006 #permalink

Oh, you know why. I think microbiologists like to make their students cry with all the horrors they can trot out.

Well, survival of the fittest and all. If they can't handle looking at a bit of necrotizing flesh, maybe they should be a history major. :D

Tara - You did a great job with the interview!