Me, humorous? I was deadly serious!

Whee! Another Koufax nomination for Most Humorous Post. I've moved the copy over here to the new site, in the post below this one.

This was an interesting post, though—it prompted something close to the record volume of hate mail for a single article, ever (I don't keep count, though, so I can't be sure—but man, were some people ever furious about it.) Joke about peeing on a bible, and people react like you'd expect them to if you threatened to imprison and torture and kill foreign civilians.

It'll be an experience if it makes it into the final nominations. More hate mail, oh boy!


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If you were a Danish embassy you'd be on fire right now.

Where are the original comments? Did you remove the post from the old site?

I think it would be sweet if you published some of the hate mail.

I read that as 'humongous', and thought 'well, yes, the posts are quite long, but isn't giving them an award a bit over the top?'

Joke about peeing on a bible, and people react like you'd expect them to if you threatened to imprison and torture and kill foreign civilians.
What, you've been elected you as President of the USA?

You started out not even having any Bibles? Jeez. I'm an atheist and I have probably a dozen. They're wonderful! I got a Samoan Bible from a used book store for $1 - had to have it after I saw that the word for "revelation" is "faamalamalama." How cool is that? That led me to the discovery that the Samoan word for "to kick repeatedly" is the wonderfully expressive "aaaa."

God is alleged to work in mysterious ways, but so, I think, does LOG (Lack Of God). Now I know that when I do something stoopid, I can just aaaa myself.