It's an old tradition


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The Rocks Don't Lie: A Geologist Investigates Noah's Flood by David Montgomery is new book on the Noachian flood. It is by a real life geologist and is not a creationist book. Might be a good gift for your annoying creationist relative. Here is a write-up from the publisher: In Tibet, geologist… reports on new satellite data showing that Noah's Ark might be on Ararat itself, hundreds of miles from the spot in Iran where Bob Cornuke says he found Noah's Ark. Maybe Noah wasn't the only one with that "build a big boat" idea?
So Fox News breathlessly reported that Chinese researchers had found Noah's ark. "Has Noah's Ark been found on Turkish mountaintop?," they asked, dumbly. "No," answered slacktivist.Gawker replied at greater length: A group of evangelicals found some 4,800-year-old wood on top of Mount Ararat.…
The Worldnutdaily has yet another article on the search for Noah's Ark and how it has been "rejuvenated" by a satellite picture of what looks for all the world like nothing more than a typical mountain ridge. Along the way, they mention the frauds of Wyatt Archaeological Research (Ron Wyatt is one…