Subgenii go to Mars

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Our astrobiology graduate seminar has started, and last week it got interesting as we pondered "weird life". I'm a co-PI of the Penn State Astrobiology Research Center, and as part of our program we run an Astrobiology graduate seminar, which is generally topic based. This year it is more student…
Yes this video has been going around. But if you haven't seen it ... from the vaults of SubGenius .... here's Reproduction Cycle In Lower Life Forms Under the Rocks of Mars
The first in a series of posts on circadian clocks in microorganisms (from February 23, 2006)... Many papers in chronobiology state that circadian clocks are ubiqutous. That has been a mantra since at least 1960. This suggests that most or all organisms on Earth possess biological clocks. In the…
The first in a series of posts on circadian clocks in microorganisms (from February 23, 2006)... Many papers in chronobiology state that circadian clocks are ubiqutous. That has been a mantra since at least 1960. This suggests that most or all organisms on Earth possess biological clocks. In the…

That was odd.

dare I say,