Don't look at it

How could she do this to me? I've got lots of work to get done today, but the
this busy image is mesmerizing. I think I need to sit here for an hour watching the little blue balls wander around.


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You know, that would look even better if I were hopped up on Sudafed.

Actually, I think the most appropriate music would be the classic 'industrial process' music from the old Warner Brothers cartoons (think of the one with the two chipmunks accidentally shipped off to a food processing plant).

I just wish I knew what the name it.



How about "I just wish I knew what the name of it was."?

For that matter, what's the name of the tune that it already is set to? I feel I should know it - I know I've heard it before, but never with a "this song is called..." attached. It's not "Sabre Dance", but it sounds like the same style...

By Mithrandir (not verified) on 22 Mar 2006 #permalink

Finest example of irreducible complexity I've ever seen. Take one part out and it ceases to do whatever it is it's supposed to be doing.

Actually, PaulC, looks like intelligent design to me. *snicker*

By Nuts to Your B… (not verified) on 22 Mar 2006 #permalink

Mithrandir, if I'm not mistaken, that music is from the beginning of the movie "Pee Wee's Big Adventure."

By Nuts to Your B… (not verified) on 22 Mar 2006 #permalink

You're probably thinking of "Powerhouse" by Raymond Scott. I don't have speakers on my system, so I don't know what's currently playing, but my first thought was "Breakfast Machine" by Danny Elfman.

By Matt Davis (not verified) on 22 Mar 2006 #permalink

Just looked it up and I am, in fact, right. (Mind like a steel trap, I tell you! An IQ around 150 helps, too.) Go here for a [rather poor quality] sound clip:

Look under "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" and play the "Finale/Breakfast Machine" clip.

By Nuts to Your B… (not verified) on 22 Mar 2006 #permalink

yeow. not good if you have a ruined vestibular system. Especially on a 24" widescreen monitor.