Not only do we learn where Tiktaalik came from, but we get an explanation for why the prayer study flopped!

Important efficacy tip: stash your porn in a lead-lined safe before praying.
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Boy, I can never beat you to the find on an evolution cartoon...
Question: Can God-Man read hard drives just by looking at them?
Hopefully not.
Unfortunately my wife can. :-(
I can beat him. I'm all over cartoons lately!
Go Godman!
feh. Adblock never lets me see the links to click for the free view thing on salon.
Not only can Godman read hard drives at will, he can see into lead-lined safes, and even into the very brains of the impure! No, not even your aluminum foil deflector beanie will protect you!
If you have ever had any thoughts about sex, your prayers will not be answered.
I've spotted a fundamental inaccuracy in that comic. That comic has Godman burying Tiktaalik in a nice sunny place with trees and green grass. However, Tiktaalik was found on Ellesmere Island in Arctic Canada, a place with brutal weather and no trees. Since the earth is only 6,000 years old and plate tectonics is a secular lie, Godman must have actually buried Tiktaalik in a frozen Arctic waste. So lose the trees and greenery, replace it with a lot of snow, and the comic will be accurate.
George Cauldron - May you rot in hell you heretic! You forgot about the Flood! Obviously, Godman burried the "fossil" BEFORE he had to kill all the men, women and children in the flood, which then washed the "fossil" into the Arctic Circle! Halle-Effing-Lu-Yah!
Does PZ surf the web all day? Looking at the volume of his posted topics, I'd say the school is getting about half of his time.
Does PZ surf the web all day? Looking at the volume of his posted topics, I'd say the school is getting about half of his time.
I think most of these things are sent in to him by readers. But I have wondered how PZ finds time to teach biology classes.
Ooh, the News Items at the bottom of the page has a link to the Seed Magazine article titled "Research May Discredit Irreducible Complexity Argument". Doesn't something need to be given any credence at all before it can be discredited?
PZ works in mysterious ways.
I think most of these things are sent in to him by readers. But I have wondered how PZ finds time to teach biology classes.
Sounds like George and Jimbo have too much time on their own hands.
The prayer study flopped because they forgot to control for pr0n stash. Time to do it over again for another well-spent $3 million.
Sounds like George and Jimbo have too much time on their own hands.
Actually, it takes FAR less time to drop my snarky comments here and there than it would to maintain a blog and write several articles a day. Besides, you're here, too, no? :-)
I'm wondering what purpose is served by posting a comment at a blog to the effect of saying that the person writing the blog should be doing his job as opposed to blogging. Somebody's obviously not getting into the spirit of things.
(btw, it's after 8 here, _and_ it's Easter break. :P )
Actually, it takes FAR less time to drop my snarky comments here and there than it would to maintain a blog and write several articles a day. Besides, you're here, too, no? :-)
Yes, but my doctor insists that I comment here. ;)
George Cauldron - May you rot in hell you heretic! You forgot about the Flood! Obviously, Godman burried the "fossil" BEFORE he had to kill all the men, women and children in the flood, which then washed the "fossil" into the Arctic Circle! Halle-Effing-Lu-Yah!
Actually, the Flood doesn't get the author of that cartoon off the hook. You will note from the artifacts in that boy's room (Playboys, a baseball, etc.) that Godman must have buried Tiktaalik sometime in the last 45-50 years or so. Noah's Flood was a couple thousand years before that, so it can't have placed Tiktaalik all the way up on Ellesmere Island.
Besides, what about pygmies and dwarfs??
What about pirates + midgits?!
You know how sometimes when you call tech support for even a local firm, your incoming call isn't answered locally but rather by somebody in India? Perhaps that's how Godman works -- only using time instead of geographic location. Although the boy was praying in modern times, it was routed into pre-delugial times.
No,'s pirates and ninjas.
Oh, ninjas. Right.
Perhaps that's how Godman works -- only using time instead of geographic location. Although the boy was praying in modern times, it was routed into pre-delugial times.
Oh, well, now you're just being silly...
Makes sense, BronzeDog. Santa is also a ninja, and there's already been plenty of discussion about how similar God and Santa are.
With regard to Adblock, select "Whitelist this page" in the menu (under Tools), and refresh the page. You should be able to see the buttons then, and it will still block the ad you're supposed to watch. Woo!
If I was omnipotent I would change the local weather and landscape to make it be nice while I dig, rather than have boring tundra. Then I would change it back when I'm done. Why would I dig? Sometimes it just feels good to be outside doing physical work.
There is an experiment to done here. Is their a density of material godman cannot see through? It was suggested that godman can see through lead but no evidence supporting this hypothesis was given. From the article, godman can see through wood, I suggest that a successive series of boxes of increasing density, lead, depleted uranium, etc. could be loaded with girlie magazines and then little jonnie could pray for his sick grandmother to see if the prayers are answered. The point at which there is an answer denotes godmans ability to not see through the box. This experiment would have to replicated with other age matched controls where perhaps the New Yorker or some other non sexual magazine was inside the boxes.
Another problem: notice in the last frame God-Man clearly uses the awful Americanism gotten, when we all know that God-Man is Welsh and would never stray from the Queen's English.
Another problem: notice in the last frame God-Man clearly uses the awful Americanism gotten,
May I remind you where we got the word 'gotten'?
There's nothing wrong with 'gotten'. In American English, 'I have got' and 'I have gotten' do not mean the same thing. In British English, where only the former is possible, one cannot make this subtle distinction.
when we all know that God-Man is Welsh and would never stray from the Queen's English.
If he's Welsh, why isn't he speaking Welsh?
If the kid were smart, he would have stuck the magazines in his dad's sock drawer before praying.
Why is God-Man digging in a spot where he'll surely be hitting roots? Why God-man, why!?!?!? Why does he do the things that he does? Maybe I'll enroll at Oral Roberts University and find out.
Jonathan Badger--
The singer Dan Bern has proposed an idea not entirely dissimilar to yours, in a song in which we learn that the hole in the ozone layer was caused by someone praying for the sun to burn up the saber-toothed tiger that was chasing him. God hears all . . . it just takes him a long time to get around to answering.
Thanks, Penh, but my adblock (firefox extension) doesn't have that feature apparently... It's Adblock Plus (there are two competing "Adblock" extensions out there...)
I knew I'd gotten it wrong from the moment I posted...
By the way, God-Man isn't speaking English, Welsh or any other particular language - he speaks in God-Tongue, which is instantly translated into the mother tongue of each specific reader/listener - a bit like Star Trek (only with better outfits).
Yeah, but I'm British English (you know, the ones who invented English. Or was that the Fresians? Or the Normans? Or the Saxons? Oh hell, we just took what we wanted from the rest of the world and then made a big thing about giving it back - apart from the stuff we kept, and no you can't have your marbles), and I see 'gotten'.
So the Universal Translator theory of God-Man-Spracht is clearly wrong and you, Ian B Gibson, are a heretic who will burn in the depths of hell FOREVER, as will your children and your children's children. Assuming you're a heterosexual, of course, and not some sort of deviant, in which case it'll be FAR WORSE for you.
Have I got this theology thing right?
Silly Euro, everybody knows God is 'Mercan.
Even your David Bowie admits this.