Almost that time of year


Hey! Coturnix is horning in on my turf, with a link to fornicating devil beetles (these are not popular beasties in my neighborhood—we get swarms of them every summer, crawling through every crevice to invade our house.)

It's cool to see, but I may have to send a few of the boys over to the quail-man's house to teach him a lesson. Either that or reconcile myself to the fact that my niche faces growing competition.


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Erm, are these coccinellids?

They look very similar to the invading Harmonia axyridis ladybirds(bugs) that have come into Southern England recently.
All very well, but they eat OTHER ladybirds, as well as aphids...

More information, please?

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 22 Apr 2006 #permalink

PZ Myers, the Godfather of science blogging?

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 22 Apr 2006 #permalink

Why would you want to do that to Coturnix? He's such a nice guy! Maybe you could construct a bigger niche or become more specialized or need to engage in competitive exclusion...hey, wait a minute, how come none of the rest of us Sciencebloggers have thugs?

By afarensis (not verified) on 22 Apr 2006 #permalink

A perfect example of how scientific research could have helped us. The beetle was imported to the US as a biocontrol. They just assumed it would eat all the aphids and help us.

But it didn't just eat the aphids, it also began competing with native lady bugs, and also eating them. Today, this invasive is the most common lady bug in the US. As you mention, it hasn't left people alone either. They congregate after migrations, and thousands may enter people's houses durring the winter for shelter.

The thing is, if we had done any actual research on the beetle before letting it loose, we would have discovered at least the problems with lady bug competition and prevented its release.

A perfect example of how scientific research could have helped us. The beetle was imported to the US as a biocontrol. They just assumed it would eat all the aphids and help us.

Double-take. What? How could anyone introduce a new species deliberately without researching it in this day and age? Or are we talking about a 19th century introduction?

Nope, this was a 20th century introduction, either by a federal agency, or by one or another of the state DNR's.(I can't remember which.) Asian Ladybeetles. I could live without. *shutter*

By Pseudo-Buddhao… (not verified) on 22 Apr 2006 #permalink

Oh dear, you've got the same problem, then.

They were introduced to (I think) central Europe, and two years ago they made it across the channel (ditch).

A nuisance, to say the least.
I've caught 6 in my small garden, and I don't want them eating the other sorts of Ladybird I've got ...
7-spot, 2-spot, 10-spot, cream-streaked, Pine, 14-spot and 22-spot (last year).

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 22 Apr 2006 #permalink

Nope, this was a 20th century introduction, either by a federal agency, or by one or another of the state DNR's.(I can't remember which.) Asian Ladybeetles. I could live without. *shutter*

You would think they would have learned from Australia, or from what's-the-bird that was released in the US.

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 22 Apr 2006 #permalink

Wow, quite the stats spike. I guess the whole turf war works out well for small-timers like me. I just hope I don't get hit by a stray bullet.