SkookumPlanet sent me a tantalizing photo.

Contemplate the possibilities.
(Don't worry, Mary, I'll never trade you in.)
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Hey, she was in the movie Dagon. She looked better with skin.
Does that mean she's got a sharp beak in her...umm...
I'll never trade you in.
Sure, but you'll take the upgrade.
X-ray of Princess Clara!
Heck no. I have enough trouble finding my way around down there as it is.
I saw that James Bond film: Octopussy
Wait... is that an iPod?
(A cephal-iPod! Ahaha.)
hey wait - how come on her human parts only the bones really show, but on her mollusk parts, not just the squishy limbs but even the suckers show?
I can't help think the Japanese are involved...
I am in love!
If you hadn't said "Woman", how many would have assumed it? It looks like a woman to me but I can't say why. It's only bones after all.
Last seen in the Disney film, The Little Mermaid...?
Sorry to bring that one up.
I had the same question. I think a Jungian analyst could have a field day with that question, too.
Didn't we see this beauty in Clash of the Titans?
If you hadn't said "Woman", how many would have assumed it?
Well, It is wearing womens jewelry. Sure, it's not a smoking gun, but we assign people a sex on less clues than that everyday. Also you can tell from the gracile bone struc... alright now I'm just lying.
Perhaps it was the FSM's prototype for creating humans in its own image. There is some theological debate that the FSM was not actually an all knowing intelligent designer, but was more into trial and error.
I didn't notice the jewelry right away. Maybe that was it. I peripherally saw the jewelry when I started looking at the bones more closely. Gracile Bone structure :)
This is closer to the perfect woman:
I wonder if this post has an additional purpose besides fishing for cheap jokes.
The photographer actually has some more interesting fotos although most of them seem pretty unreflected to me - women posing gracefully, kissing couples and even chicken in ballet pose (!) - unless it is her intention to sexualize bones without any indication of irony.
Yeah, right, now you can get openly sexist. That's really disgusting. I hope you're aware that you're disgracing yourself, Bacon Eating Misogynist.
His comment serves to illustrate my previous reproach regarding this post.
I agree. I'm tempted to delete Bacon Eating Atheist Jew's comment, but I'll leave it up as an example instead: that is misogyny.
Looks like Ann Coulter has mated with Cthulhu.
Didn't I see her in a Monster Manual?
Where else did you think she got her power and soulless behavior? ;)
I'm reminded of the Homestar Runner halloween cartoon where some characters are skeletonized, even their mustaches and hair ...
If you hadn't said "Woman", how many would have assumed it?
The tentacles look like a dress. I think that's the connection.
Incidentally, am I the only one who can't get into PT and After the Bar Closes today?
Umm, wouldn't she have a beak 'down there'? Sounds a little unpleasant for her lovers.
I can't believe you Lefties are saying I am a misogynist. That being said, I think this could be the Perfect Woman, if she had 2 or 4 breasts:
beak 'down there'?
sort of a vagina radula? opposed to dentata, I mean...
"That being said, I think this could be the Perfect Woman, if she had 2 or 4 breasts:"
That would probably be an appropriate woman for you, since she could give you twice as much shit as a regular one.
That would probably be an appropriate woman for you, since she could give you twice as much shit as a regular one.
10 * 9.5 * 9.8 * 10 * 9.9 * 10
I'm not a mind-reader, so I won't offer an interpretation. Just to make a factual observation, you've offered a couple of graphic retreads of an old, obvious joke: "Perfect"=="All but sexual features removed." Hahaha, still almost as funny as it was back in middle school. Note that the joke formula isn't strictly misogynist--there are those "cucumbers are better than men" jokes.
If you say that your purpose was not mysogyny, I'll take you at your word, though I'm befuddled as to what your purpose was.
Paul, why does everything have to have a purpose or be reflective of ones true feelings? Maybe I just wanted to put a smile on some peoples face and make some other people angry.
So, like does she own a liquor store and turn into a pizza and six pack at midnight???
George: I've been unable to log into PT and (I have no idea if the latter's down...haven't been to it in a good while.) I also noticed that a Google search for "Pharyngula," doesn't turn up a direct link to the main page anymore (it used to as late as yesterday.) Dunno if that means anything or not.
It doesn't have to, but it looks like people here (myself included) quite reasonably assumed you had something to say. It appears we were wrong and you are just an ass. I have been an the receiving end of well-executed trolls, but this is just lame.
Andrew, you have to be kidding me. You think that I'm vocalling something with those cartoons I posted? Are you for real? What exactly "quite reasonably" did you assume I was trying to say?
One more thing Andrew, what is PK trying to say with the picture he posted?
The running joke is that he has a thing for cephalopods. Personally, I don't think it's all that funny either, but it is at least topical to the blog.
Eeeeew.... that's incest!
Actually, I assumed the xray was a woman, too. The bones appear more gracile, and the shoulder to waist shape appears more female than male to me. Disclaimer: I am not a radiologist (nor do I play one on TV).
Re: BEAJ's perfect woman..I snickered at the link, but as a woman I deal with men who joke like that a lot. I just thought, yeah, that is SOME men's idea of the perfect woman. However, all the men I am FRIENDS with appreciate other parts. One reason I enjoy this blog so much is that PZ so definitely appeciates women for more than just their body parts.
It looks to me like the shoulders are much broader than the, um, well, I was going to say hips, but I think the hips have been eliminated in favor of the invertebrate, now that I look more closely. Shoot, and I was going to try to make a transvestite cephalopod joke. Probably better that I don't.
Which of these sexy cephalopod-women was born a male? Bet you can't tell -- next Maury!
Bacon Eating Atheist Jew:
Actually I didn't really form an opinion about what you were trying to say. I presumed you were trying to make a joke, but I "didn't get it" as the idiom goes.
I would presume he was trying to say that he is so enamoured of cephalopods that he might consider a female human-cephalopod chemera a perfect women. No, I don't think he meant it seriously; rather I took it as comic exaggeration. That is, the real message is that PZ is enamoured of cephalopods. And partly he may have just wanted to share the weirdness; it is a mildly arresting image.
To people attempting to discern how they know this is a female skeleton - the major differences in skeletal structure between the sexes lie in the pelvis, which is, err, a little different here than it usually is; outside of that it's hard to tell the sexes apart, really. Personally the reason I assumed it was female, other than the jewelery, is the fact that it's striking what's usually considered a feminine pose. Possibly this is a flaming/drag-queen half-octopus, in which case we'll never know.
I think George Cauldron is right; it strikes me as a woman because the tentacles look like what my niece calls a "printheth thkirt", particularly as she is holding one up in a Barbie Princess pose.
BEAJ, the difference between your image and PZ's is that his is original (and therefore mildly interesting) whereas yours is tired.
Let's see, looking at the skull...
High rounded forehead...
Non-distinct temporal ridge...
Non-pronounced zygomatic bone...
General triangular face with rounded, not squared mandible...
All in all, I would say this was indeed a female. The top half anyway.
"Paul, why does everything have to have a purpose or be reflective of ones true feelings? Maybe I just wanted to put a smile on some peoples face and make some other people angry."
So you think the degradation of women to fuck holes is something you can use to make some people smile (supposedly the ones with humor) and upset others (which are humorless or even humorless feminists and thus are ok to upset). So how does this not make you a misogynist?
The others' comments were more insightful, I didn't now about the cephalopod running joke. Now this post makes sense to me.
Hey Frost, Dawn even admitted to snickering at the pics.
Lighten up. Life is too short to be anal.
I didn't say that no-one would snicker at the picture. I said that the picture is misogynist and you are, too, for posting it as a joke. Maybe you have to imagine analogous degrading jokes on black people or on Jews to understand why it's not funny and why I'm not being anal, but seriously, life is too short to try and get everyone to think.
Frost, has anyone ever called you anal before? Be honest.
So far no-one has. Maybe that's because the people I relate to in real life are actually interested in dialogue that involves thinking and not so much pubertal name-calling. The people I know would be ashamed of themselves just for sticking so hard to stereotypes as you do (let alone the low standard thinking). But of course realizing that requires the ability to think outside of stereotypes, or to think for oneself, which you are too lazy to do, or, well...
Frost, is calling me a misogynist not name calling, is it different from me calling you anal?
And I just shortened the post by not dancing around the definition of anal and just getting to the point with you.
In your last comment, you basically called me an immature asshole, without using the term.
I guess you are guilty of "pubertal name calling" too, but you are too anal to realize it.
Calling you a misogynist after you posted that link is simply stating a fact, just like some people can be rightfully called antisemitists or racists. I tried to explain my point to you but you never bothered reacting to any argument and instead called me anal repeatedly. That's immature in my thinking. Now I don't see this "discussion" going anywhere, so I won't waste my time any longer.
You win Frost, I bow down to you. You are much more superior to me.
^ if that was sarcasm it sucks... if that wasn't sarcasm it sucks too.