Drinking Liberally...in Morris!

We become more cosmopolitan day by day. As of tomorrow, our fair city will have its very own Drinking Liberally chapter (it's even on the map!). I can walk to it, instead of driving for three hours. Here's the info:

When: Thursday, May 18, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 or whenever.

Where: Old #1 in Morris, near the horseshoe-shaped part of the bar.

Why: To have a relaxed, informal place for progressive political
discussion and socializing.

For more information, visit drinkingliberally.org, or contact local
host Jeff Lamberty (Lambo) at morris@drinkingliberally.org.

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Hi Paul, er, Dr. Myers, er, PZ,

I'm not sure how to address you. I went to Morris (I was in your first genetics course there, but I was pretty quiet, so you might not remember me), and I am very excited about all the things that are starting there, like Cafe Scientifique and, now, Drinking Liberally! I haven't commented before, but I've been reading your blog for a while. It's kind of weird to have my former professor as such an online personality. :) I love hearing about anything Morris-related, though. It's funny how that little town sticks with you.

--Sara Anderson

. . .our fair city will have its very own Drinking Liberally chapter (it's even on the map!). I can walk to it. . .
This line really challenges my belief that there is no heaven.

understand that no university anywhere in the USA is in fact a true university, because all campus' are "dry".
And, of course, your legal drinking age is 21, not 18 or 16, and having an open container of potable alchohol-containg liquid can get you arrested, even though you are not drunk.


Sorry, "Drinking LIberally" is something Europeans (including us Brits) do.

Unless, of course, it means something else?

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 17 May 2006 #permalink

G. Tingey wrote:

understand that no university anywhere in the USA is in fact a true university, because all campus' are "dry".

Huh? Did I miss something during the year I was in France? To pick a couple random examples, when Frank Wilczek won the Nobel Prize, the physics department threw a reception with expensive hors d'oeuvres and champagne for everybody. (It was goood. . . and I usually don't drink.) When the seniors at St. John's College in Maryland finish their monster essays, the dean throws an "essay party" featuring a table laden with exotic liqueurs.

And, of course, your legal drinking age is 21, not 18 or 16, and having an open container of potable alchohol-containg liquid can get you arrested, even though you are not drunk.

Which simply makes everybody in college a criminal. It's like file-sharing.

Hey, Sara, sure I remember you. If you get a chance sometime, come on back and say hello to everyone!

Mr Tingey, UW Madison has a bar right there in the student union. While UMM is dry, our town is so small that you step outside the gates of the university, and there you are, wallowing in the iniquitous delights of that city of sin, Morris, Minnesota.

I'm pleased to be corrected.

However, the student and Senior Common Room bars are such a fixture, here in the UK.
And most @Murkan universities do not appear to have them.

The trouble with a previous posters' comment ...
"Which simply makes everybody in college a criminal. It's like file-sharing"
Just means that if anyone really wants to make trouble, especially about "corruptin' yewth" they can and will, and say it is the "lords'" work as well....

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 18 May 2006 #permalink

That is pretty cool. I also see that we finally have a chapter here in the backwaters of Eugene.