Yearly Kos news

Looks like I'm going to be sitting on a panel with Wesley Clark—he's on the climate change bandwagon.


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Wow. The Yearly Kos science panel this morning was awesome, really a tour de force. Facing a full room, Wesley Clark got up there and riffed for at least twenty minutes, with impressive eloquence, about the importance of science to the American future. I wish I'd been taking notes. Here's a guy…
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Research... okay, but geoengineering continues to raise a heck of a lot of red flags for me. By no means do I deny what we're up against or disagree with my favorite blogger, but I'd like to emphasize that priorities must focus on changing our collective mindset and behavior regarding carbon in…

Shouldn't the science panel have practicing scientists? Or are big names and popular writers more important? I guess I'm not clear what their goals are.

PS. The cookie problem is still in effect.


In my years at college I've found that scientists discussing their specialty are so far beyond anyone who is listening that their talk is almost worthless. It's better to have scientists interested in making their view understandable on publicly viewed panels. PZ is a master at this. Go pirates!

Mike Fox

Sorry PZ, I guess you are chopped liver. Just look at the bright side. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring cephlapod porn to a wider audience.

By Dave Puskala (not verified) on 19 May 2006 #permalink

No, you count. In fact, you look like Joe Nobel Prize next to the other four. I think it's important to have both scientist and other folks involved. The arena is already open to the other folks -- they should involve the scientists as well.

Just because he is a military man, do not underestimate the bread"I don't know, but lets ask an expert.." His response on education.