Do ye even need to ask, Lindsay?

The Dread Pirate PZ

Will I sign th' Pirate's Compact? Arrr. It be like askin' Blackbeard if he wants a tot o' rum before plunderin' yon fat merchanter.

Which reminds me…on me mission to New York tomorrow, I need to be askin' about Pirate Mode. Maybe a little proddin' with the cutlass will help.


More like this

Avast, it be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and we've seized this blog from that landlubber Stemwedel! We've run up a new flag (designed by that pirate's pirate Pough), and Cap'n Free-Ride is drivin' this ship now. But, me hearties, ye know that there's honor among pirates, don't ye? Hie…
Avast, ye bloglubbers! We be starin' down the crow's nest at another International Talk Like a Pirate Day, a holiday marked in these seas by the seizin' o' this bucket by the Dread Pirate Free-Ride. Aye, it happened last year, and by the beak o' the squid guardin' Davy Jones' locker*, it's…
It be International Talk Like ye Pirate Day, so if ye be leavin' comments, they'd best be in yer best sea-dog dialect. Some land-lubbers out yonder may think find it a mite odd for a nice Jewish boy like meself t' be talkin' like a one-eyed fool with a wooden leg. But ye'd be wrong. Ye see, me…
Arrrrr. Let us begin a rude day with a rude picture. I do protest, though, that Cap'n Blackbeard looked nothin' like that (he had two hands and a snaky tangle of a beard), and there is a great missed opportunity here. Blackbeard knotted lit matchcords in his hair and beard so they'd glow and hiss…

Ahoy, PZ! Thank ye for the link. M'email's broken 't present, but if ye'd like to get together for some grog in the Big Apple, leavst me a comment, specifying the time and place. There's little plundering on the morrow, so whatever works fr'ye.

Arrr...I hear yer barnacle-covered achilles be troublin' ye once more. Me thinks ye'd be a happier pirate with a peg fer yer leg. Perhaps ye'd like t' swill a pint or two of grog while I fetch me cutlass...

By Dread Pirate Flynt (not verified) on 01 Jun 2006 #permalink

(Don Freed)
Midi file of just the melody at:

Being a pirate is all fun and games,
'Til somebody loses an ear.
It drips down your neck, and it falls on the deck,
'Til someone shouts, "Oy, what's this 'ere?"
You can't wear your glasses, you can't [poll?] the lasses,
Your friends have to shout so you'll hear;
Being a pirate is all fun and games,
'Til somebody loses an ear.

It's all part of being a pirate (a pirate, a pirate);
You can't be a pirate with all of your parts.
Oh, it's all part of being a pirate (a pirate, a pirate);
You can't be a pirate with all of your parts.

Being a pirate is all fun and games,
'Til somebody loses an eye.
It stings like the blazes, it makes you pull faces,
You can't let your mates see you cry.
A dashing black patch will cover the hatch
And make sure that the socket stays dry;
Being a pirate is all fun and games
'Til somebody loses an eye.


Being a pirate is all fun and games
'Til somebody loses a hand.
It spurts and it squirts and it jolly well hurts,
Pain only a pirate could stand.
The fash'nable look is a nice metal hook,
But now you can't play in the band.
Being a pirate is all fun and games,
'Til somebody loses a hand.


Being a pirate is all fun and games,
'Til somebody loses a leg.
It hurts like the dickens, your pace never quickens,
Hopping around on a peg.
Ask your sweetheart to marry, but too long you've tarried,
'Cause now you can't kneel down and beg.
Being a pirate is all fun and games
'Til somebody loses a leg.


Not sure where to post this, but I think we need an all out alert, calling all pirates to to go to a few sports event dressed in full regalia!

Is this real? Someone please tell me that the last bastion of sanity is not being taken over by Bob the tomato and Larry the green phallus... Ahrrrgh! Can we please get a few cutlass weilding men, women and children to chop up these vegetables into a little cucumber salad?

They can keep the whole freakin country! But please don't let them take baseball, it's just plain unnatural.…

By Fred the Hun (not verified) on 01 Jun 2006 #permalink

A compact, eh? What next, lace and earrings? This piratin' be manly work indeed.

How dare you be Pirates. I shall see you evil scum on the battlefeild, and you shall fall pray to me shuricans, undrunkenness, and my very bad spelling. I look foward to killing you all soon.(but seriously, nice goin' on the blog PZ, nice goin')