Watch out for that "Andy"

He's an up-and-comer, that one.

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Nice post PZ! Reminds me of my kid when he was young - he just graduated 6th grade, and I am willing to bet reminds you of your daughter the college freshman!

Someday "Andy's" mom is going to see him graduate and she's going to feel like I'm going to feel on Saturday when my special one graduates. All the extra work, all the special schooling, all the moments of jealousy when watching the parents of the "normal" kids, all of that is going to fade away as a kid who worked harder than anyone else makes it.

I would bet that she'll cry as much as I will, too. And there will be part of her that laughs "look out world, he's yours now!"

By MNObserver (not verified) on 07 Jun 2006 #permalink

I teach martial arts to a small class of special needs kids, and I've got a couple of "Andy's" in there. Super-motivated, and no amount of difficulty will deter them. I certainly think that is the key that will unlock their success no matter what their "disability".

Also, though...the parents have a much healthier attitude toward learning and achievement. They are their children's cheerleaders, and don't get hung up on averages and schedules, and milestones along someone else's roadmap. They've learned to let things take their course, let their kid take whatever time and effort is needed to reach the goal of the moment.

That support form the parents is an invaluable part of the equation.

Some parents first question is "How long will it take him to get a black belt?", and "Are his kicks high enough?" and "How much time should he be practicing?"

Parents of the special need kids are advocates for their child's needs, and for their unique abilities. They tell me how to help their children with obsticles, and how to play to their strengths...and they teach their kids that as well. They help me know their children, and help the children understand themselves, and teach them confidence and to take joy in every little victory, and look around for the next challenge.

Every kid should be so lucky.