
If you go to the California Bar home page, you will see that only 56.1% of the applicants who took the bar exam this year passed. If you poke around a little, you can find the list of those who passed, and on that list, you'll find my sister's name. She graduated law school back in May, and took the test in July, and has been waiting on the results for months.

So, here's a blog post to congratulate her on a non-trivial accomplishment: Congratulations, Erin!

(And if any of my readers happen to be running a law firm in the San Francisco area and are looking to hire an up-and-coming young attorney with an interest in disability law, drop me a line, will you?)


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Congrats to your sister! CA bar is an endurance test, and that's great she passed on her first try.

I don't have a whole lot of connections in SF, and none at all in disability law, but if she ever takes an interest in LA, drop me a line for sure.

Congratulations, Chad, to your sister Erin.

The California Bar exam is indeed a marathon. The exam is comprehensive, and tough. The competition is fierce.

Check back with me in two and half years when my son takes the exam.

Normally, I'd say something snarky about California hardly needing more lawyers. But for your family and mine, I'll make an exceptiopn. Also -- diability law -- good for her. Real people will find Justice.

Wow, congratulations to your sister. I didn't realize she was taking the bar this year, although I vaguely remember a comment that she was in law school. That means there's a non-trivial chance that I graded one of her essays.

I'm in a SF firm, although I don't run it, alas, and we don't do disability law. On the other hand, if there's some insight I might offer on practicing law in the Bay Area, she's welcome to drop me a line.

Geez... *blush*! Thanks for the post, Chad. Although I think a 56.1 % pass rate may actually be actually high for California, it is indeed nice to know that I'll never have to sit through that exam again... .

By Erin (the new … (not verified) on 19 Nov 2007 #permalink