Sing along with Cthulhu


Feeling musical this morning? Stephanie Ching sent me links to some lyrics. An old User Friendly cartoon combines Cthulhu, zombies, and brains, and then there's the unspeakable: this guy has written a song for John Tesh. If anything is going to rouse the sleeping Old Ones that lie in lost R'Lyeh, it's got to be New Age caterwauling.

Quick! To scrub the thought of New Age Lite muzak out of your brain, Unfogged provides a cure: visualize your scrotum rupturing. Think about epididymitis and Fournier's gangrene. There, can't you feel the nightmare ebbing?


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Since I don't have a scrotum, the visualization didn't work. Maybe I should focus on my last mammogram?

For more UFie Cthuloid fun, follow this storyline. Sushi can be bad for your soul.



Why'd you have to go and remind me of Fournier's gangrene. Unlike you (I'm guessing, anyway), I've actually seen a couple of cases. It's one of the most horrible smells you can imagine.

My college roommate came down with a case of epididymitis back in 1980. I told him it was punishment from God for voting for Reagan.

Whoops! that was supposed to be "A Shoggoth on the Roof".

The Cast Album and snippets of the songs from "A Shoggoth on the Roof" can be found here

By Daryl McCullough (not verified) on 23 Jun 2006 #permalink