So that's what Limbaugh was up to...


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And he was going to take some young Dominican boys with him, but only to train them as sherpas, you understand.
It's all very innocent, of course it is.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 28 Jun 2006 #permalink

He must be using them for that. As such a devout christian, sex out of wedlock is a big no-no. And we all know that Rush *always* practices what he preaches!

I think I've about had it up to here with all these Limbaugh puns circulating around. Just let it go, people.

Rumor has it Limbaugh is dating "Potato Face" Chloe from 24. Which might explain the unusual interview with that show's producers earlier this year on Rush's own show -- a show famous for never having guests (except for Dick Cheney).


I think I've about had it up to here with all these Limbaugh puns circulating around. Just let it go, people.

Lemme get this straight. You're getting annoyed at something; therefore some large number of people who apparently find amusing should "let it go"? Wouldn't it be slightly more efficient and less obtrusive if you were to simply avoid reading blog comments with headings including the word "Limbaugh"?

Time for a remake, I think:

Young schoolgirls, the subject
Of Rush's fantasies
He wants them so badly
Knows where he has to be
Dominican Republic
He brings up the webpage
Viagra. The blue pills.
Makes him feel half his age.

Don't search, don't search so
Don't search so close to me.

At customs, so suspicious
You know how bad they get.
Sometimes its not so easy
To pretend to be innocent.
His luggage, they're searching.
They've got him by the balls.
Arrested, pending court case.
His lawyer won't return his calls.

Don't search, don't search so
Don't search so close to me.

By Phoenician in … (not verified) on 28 Jun 2006 #permalink