Creationist email: I have a new friend!

I posted a little sample of my creationist junkmail yesterday, and I've finally figured something out. The first mailing said, "Original Theory By Perry Marshall, Edited in part by D. Donohew"—what that meant was that D. Donohew had found this crap by Perry Marshall on the web, and was simply doing a copy&paste and sending it to me. How did I figure this out? Because Mr Donohew is now regularly sending me crap that he has written himself. You may be surprised to learn, given that that first email was a pile of spluttering nonsense, that Mr Marshall is a paragon of lucidity and insight compared to his plagiarist.

This short assemblage of incoherent non sequiturs is titled "Distorted Imagery."

As predicted in Prophecy, the majority of the world is Anti-Jew/Israel/Zionism. It comes as no great surprise that the UN has passed a resolution which attempts to separate the world's anger with the Jew/Israel/Zionism as if to prove that they/world are certainly not anti-Semitic, but only anti-Zionism. However my challenge to the UN and the rest of the world is simply this: When Israel is finally invaded by the UN troops or Russia, or China, or the entire world with the Majority of all Nations participating, and they wipe out and exterminate all the Zionist pigs, will there be any Jews left alive?

I guess we may then refer to their deaths as collateral damage, oops sorry!

I'm not clear on exactly what side Mr Donohew is on, here. The Chinese invasion of Israel seems to be something he's expecting, and it's not quite obvious whether he thinks exterminating Zionist pigs is a good thing or not.

He followed that with this strangely titled screed, "Kitty Genovese propaganda." It contains a small fragment of his previous sentiment.

And you were going to feel this way about Israeli citizens when?

I mean after 6 invasions by the Arab world, while backed by the best Russian equipment, trained Russian advisers and the backing of virtually the entire world and the Anti-Semitic UN issuing their idiotic resolutions, coupled with the intent to exterminate the entire Jewish people, and the people of "The Book" it is apparent that you and others like you really have no compassion left in you for anyone other than for your own greedy Godless self.

One would think that after all that has gone on you people would be too ashamed to even write your thoughts of this nature down on paper, or the web, for future generations to read and realize how immoral, selfish, greedy, and anti God you people are. Children of Satan comes quickly to mind.

Please don't lay the latest ploy by the UN attempting to distinguish between Zionism and Jews, off as some great excuse either. I would ask you the same question I ask all of you people. When the final invasion of Israel takes place by virtually the entire world, in order to exterminate Zionism, will there be any Jews left alive? Then will you people say Whoops, Sorry..Collateral damage!

I must tell you here, that so far as I am concerned, you and the entire world have gone completely insane which may not be so bad in the end, maybe God will forgive insane people.

All of the Nations surrounding Israel appear to have everything it takes to live a grand and loving, peaceful, life here on earth, and to set the best of examples to the rest of the world. Instead all we see from the leaders of the world today is killing, hatred, greed, and every quality that "The Book" describes as being from Satan.

When will all of the peoples of the world grow up, and cease acting like two year old, spoiled rotten children?

Man, is there some plan by "us people" to invade Israel and exterminate Zionists? I was thumbing through my EAC Handbook to try and figure out whether it was in the game plan, but all I can find is the unbridled hedonism, licentiousness, and orgiastic indulgences, a few roast baby recipes, and the Three Godless Sexual Positions that bring guaranteed nirvana, which we are forbidden on pain of death to reveal to anyone with theistic tendencies. Nothing militaristic at all.

At least Brother Donohew seems to think his god will forgive insane people. I'm sure he finds great consolation in that. I'd still rather he stop pestering me with this stuff.

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Israel is rather like America, only worse. And somewhat smaller.

I note that they wouldn't be having nearly as many problems if they'd chosen a sane location to create their new nation -- y'know, someplace with some natural resources. Or anywhere other than surrounded by angry Arabs.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 06 Jul 2006 #permalink

You know... its weird. I would swear that I have read something very similar sounding before -- especially the last sentence. Hmmm.

By allastair (not verified) on 06 Jul 2006 #permalink

The Chinese invasion of Israel seems to be something he's expecting, and it's not quite obvious whether he thinks exterminating Zionist pigs is a good thing or not.

It's complicated. The way I understand the theory, the destruction of Israel would be the work of Satan, which would normally make it a bad thing. But it's a prerequisite for the establishment of God's Kingdom on Earth, so it's also something to look forward to.

Basically the proper attitude is eager anticipation hidden behind a transparent facade of condemnation.

Caledonian: I note that they wouldn't be having nearly as many problems if they'd chosen a sane location to create their new nation -- y'know, someplace with some natural resources. Or anywhere other than surrounded by angry Arabs.

I think the only fair solution would be for Israel to trade places with Germany. Only nobody ever listens to what I think.

By ChaosEngineer (not verified) on 06 Jul 2006 #permalink

Nothing militaristic at all.

Nothing in the handbook, but the other day I got a letter on EAC letterhead containing my comission as a second lieutenant in the People's Liberation Army. I'm supposed to report to Jordan by August 1 as part of something called "Operation You-Know-What."

By Sean Foley (not verified) on 06 Jul 2006 #permalink

I think the only fair solution would be for Israel to trade places with Germany

Germany? Worry about Jericho, first -- although the existing archaeological evidence strongly suggests that the traditional account was utterly and completely wrong.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 06 Jul 2006 #permalink

And this nutcase thinks the rest of the world is insane? Wow, that's a bad case of projection. Why are the crazies the most religious of the bunch. Oh right, they think the voices in their heads are God or Satan. Looking at the box scores prophecy still has yet to score. Your grandkids will be mocking you assuming we don't self immolate before then. My grandmother firmly believed that the messiah had returned forty years ago to the middle east because of this same flippity-flappity-hokum that has been passed around the rural south for two centuries now.

By Broadside (not verified) on 06 Jul 2006 #permalink

This guy has been reading too much fiction, a la Left Behind, Nostradamus and Darby, and taking it way too seriously. News flash, the UN established modern Israel in the first place. This screed comes right out of this trash fiction. And my mom was worried what D&D would do to me.

By Broadside (not verified) on 06 Jul 2006 #permalink

A creationist that plagiarizes? You don't say! Actually, sometimes creationist emails seem a little strange, and I just take chunks of text and Google them. Very quickly, I find where their statements are being regurgitated from.

And I once had an astrologer do the same thing in an email - claimed to understand a concept, he cut-and-pasted the description of the concept and passed it off as his own. At first he tried to ignore it, then he denied it, and then when he caved in he accused me of a personal attack!

What is also really interesting is how the negative attention makes them feel good. It's like, a blast from the past, something we all grew out of.

...and the Three Godless Sexual Positions that bring guaranteed nirvana, which we are forbidden on pain of death to reveal to anyone with theistic tendencies...

I dunno. The first two are great, but I still can't get the third to work. Keep spraining my...

Oh. Wait. I've said too much already, haven't I?

I was thumbing through my EAC Handbook to try and figure out whether it was in the game plan, but all I can find is the unbridled hedonism, licentiousness, and orgiastic indulgences, a few roast baby recipes, and the Three Godless Sexual Positions that bring guaranteed nirvana, which we are forbidden on pain of death to reveal to anyone with theistic tendencies.

Idiot! Take every 10th letter, starting from the sixth line of page 24. Transcribe into the Hebrew alphabet, and translate that from the Esperanto.

Oh, and there's a typo for position number 3. I got it to work, but rather than nirvana, I ended up in Margate.


I must tell you here, that so far as I am concerned, you and the entire world have gone completely insane which may not be so bad in the end, maybe God will forgive insane people.

This is surely a way for him to guarantee his salvation in his own mind, or at least one of "himselves" that are more than likely in his head.

He's still sending me mail. His latest is praise for Philip Anschutz, a Colorado billionaire "who has used his vast wealth and influence to promote his Christian viewpoint, to rally against gay marriage and fund an organisation that questions the theory of evolution."

Funny thing is, his first email to me was truncated -- he screwed up somehow -- and his second was the complete thing, with a complaint that "they" had censored his first. The man is mentally ill, as you can tell.

Philip Anschutz is a creationist? Interesting. He's been in the UK news recently, regarding his (allegedly dodgy) connections with our deputy PM.

Can't you just block his email address in whatever email program you're using?

That's certainly what I'd do.

I'm glad I don't have a personal troll.

Just tell him you'll take his thoughts into consideration, and you'll chant for him at our next sacrificial ritual (full moon is August 9), and that he can "pray" for you, too.

This guy has been reading his Hal Lindsey. In the Late Great Planet Earth, Lindsey predicts the destruction of Isreal by the forces of Gog and Magog, which Lindsey and the other nutjobs have "interpreted" to be the old Soviet Union. I guess Russia should be happy they have inherited the mantle, Third Rome and all.

As for China, Lindsey has a chapter entitled, I am not making this up, "The Yellow Menace." There is biblical prophecy (Book of Daniel?) that a large army of calvary will come out of the east. Lindsey thinks this is China, as in the 1970's China still had a very large horse cavalry.

But, like all good end-timers, Lindsey and Mr. Donohew can not say what America's role in this sad cosmic theater is because America was not on the minds of early Jews. Then again, if Lindsey and his ilk can interpret flaming arrows to be nuclear missles, nothing is beyond this guy's imagination.

I do like his old school approach to the UN, though. None of this new-fangled European Union being the re-incarnation of the Roman Empire!

note that they wouldn't be having nearly as many problems if they'd chosen a sane location to create their new nation -- y'know, someplace with some natural resources.

Eh? Israel's having some economic problems but it's nonetheless a First World country, and while they get a huge amount of US aid relative to other recipients, the $500/Israeli shouldn't make that much economic difference to their $24,000 GDP/capita. Lack of resources isn't a problem if you're better at making things from resources than the people with the resources, as in Taiwan or Japan.

Actually, having resources seems to be more often be a developmental menace: money comes in, along with corruption and fights for control, but know-how doesn't develop. Most oil states look set for trouble when the oil runs out, except for Norway and maybe Alaska.

And can you imagine how exciting the Palestinian conflict would be with some oil to fight over, besides land and water and human rights?

As for angry Arabs, I doubt there was any good place on the globe for a bunch of Europeans to move to to start a new country in 1948. Everywhere was populated by no longer (if ever) complacent natives, frozen, or blazing desert.

I'd still rather he stop pestering me with this stuff.

So you print his stuff?

"Alternatively, if the positive consequences of pain behavior cease suddenly, the behavior will extinguish ( Catania, 1994; Skinner 1980)."

As for angry Arabs, I doubt there was any good place on the globe for a bunch of Europeans to move to to start a new country in 1948. Everywhere was populated by no longer (if ever) complacent natives, frozen, or blazing desert.

Oh, I don't disagree that there were few if any good locations. But there couldn't have been a worse one than right in the middle of angry Arabs. It's like putting a sign on your back that says 'Genocide Me'.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 08 Jul 2006 #permalink