
So...is this you?

By Details > Visit Detail
Visit 6,666,666
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Domain Name   comcast.net ? (Network)
IP Address   67.176.112.# (Comcast Cable)
ISP   Comcast Cable
Continent  :  North America
Country  :  United States  (Facts)
State  :  Colorado
City  :  Littleton
Lat/Long  :  39.5593, -105.0056 (Map)
Distance  :  622 miles
Language   English (United States)
Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
Browser   Firefox
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Javascript   version 1.5
Resolution  :  1280 x 1024
Color Depth  :  32 bits

Time of Visit   Jul 8 2006 1:24:04 pm
Last Page View   Jul 8 2006 1:24:04 pm
Visit Length   0 seconds
Page Views   1
Referring URL http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/
Visit Entry Page   http://scienceblogs....ess_conservative.php
Visit Exit Page   http://scienceblogs....ess_conservative.php
Out Click   &nbsp
Time Zone   UTC-7:00
Visitor's Time   Jul 8 2006 12:24:04 pm
Visit Number   6,666,666

I expected the world to end, but maybe this means I have to wait until I've harvested 666,666,666 souls for Satan now.

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Last month Tracy Spenser posted [this comment](http://scienceblogs.com/deltoid/2005/10/crime-of-the-century.php#commen…) on my blog: Looks like Fumento has made a fool of you again? When are you ever going to learn? www.fumento.com/weblog/ar www.townhall.com/blogs/c- And when are you going to…
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Judging by the 0 second visit length, it's in all likelihood an automated program. Although the 'visitor' is using Firefox..

I love the fact the visit was to the "godless conservative"-post =) One of those lovely coincidences.

By Antti Rasinen (not verified) on 08 Jul 2006 #permalink

How does it feel to be so evil???

By Sweettp2063 (not verified) on 08 Jul 2006 #permalink

Satan? What's a Satan? For that matter, what's a soul?

Moloch? Arioch? Ba'al? Dang. I always forget what nonexistent supernatural being the godless are supposed to be worshipping.

Me, of course.

This commenting page is the weirdest thing. For weeks I could not get on with my old password and name, though I freely admit I may have forgotten it, so I created a whole new identity with a different email address and suddenly I switch on comments and my old persona is back up and working!

A most sinister confluence of events: visitor 6,666,666 was using Microsoft Windows - surely an unmistakable sign of Azazel. Stay away from Colorado!

Hey, Old Hippie, are you the same old hippie that used to post on F***edcompany.com?

"Dang. I always forget what nonexistent supernatural being the godless are supposed to be worshipping."

The Great Nullity of course! After all, around here nothing is sacred! :-)

By David Harmon (not verified) on 08 Jul 2006 #permalink

Damn. I was shooting for vist 6,666,666. I will wait for vist 66,666,666. Or even better: 666,666,666. That like, mega-evil.

This user really needs to upgrade his Firefox. 1.0.7 has a pretty serious security hole.

So, the Devil uses Firefox, Somebody should tell Microsoft Marketing this, they could have a field day.

Then again, they also use Windows, somebody should tell Apple Marketing.

I got all excited thinking it might be ME, because all the details fit (including the embarassing Firefox 1.0.7). However, I'm not in Littleton; my location usually shows up as Salisbury, Maryland. And in checking my history, I visited the Visboek entry only.

Darn. Fame eludes me again.

I can't post in my old name, so I'm trying a new.

By Someone Old (not verified) on 09 Jul 2006 #permalink

You may be disappointed to learn it was quite possibily me visiting with some friends in the home o' Columbine, unable to go one day without a Pharyngula fix. Right city, right time.

My dear hosts are really lovely people, though - far more than you could say of me. I will have to check with them on their IP address to confim and tell them to upgrade their Firefox.

Whoa. This visit came from the town of Columbine High School? Now that's spooky.

Not really. In the first place, despite the name, Littleton is not particularly little; it has a population of over 40,000.

More importantly, Columbine isn't even in Littleton; it's a county school.

Finally, it's not clear (to me, at least), whether the location is the location of the user or of Comcast. Since this user was probably using a dynamic IP address, I doubt if the location is reliably the location of anything more than a regional server cluster.

Is this all trivial? You bet. But if someone actually thought this *was* a spooky coincidence (or an even spookier not-coincidence), then maybe I've illuminated some of the flaws in their thinking, which makes it worthwhile.

P.S. Satan is not fooled: not all visits are from different souls. You expected the Lord of Lies to fall for such a flimsy obfuscation? What do you think he is, an ID advocate?

Most of the time, though, Comcast's dhcp servers assign the same IP address to the same machine. I've found it very rare for mine to change.