A fold of an alien universe that defies space and time

There's no way I can argue with a Countess.


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Way back in early January, I suggested that we vote for one of the Countess's horror stories in an online contest. You will be pleased to hear that she won "Best Short Horror Story"! You may recall that I also suggested that she reward Pharyngula's participation with a little story of our own, so…
The Countess dropped me a note to say I might get a laugh out of this list of the 100 Unsexiest Men of 2007, and I had a brief, horror-stricken thought that the reason was because I was on it. That's the only reason I read the whole thing. Dick Cheney is only at 77? There's something wrong there.
I found this lovely portrait on Wikipedia. 18th century portraits almost exclusively show people with European looks. But here a Russian painter has painted a Kalmyk girl in 1767. The Kalmyks are a Western Mongolian group living in south-west Russia. The girl looks just like Juniorette's buddy…
Alas! There is no casting anchor in the stream of time! - Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington

Also be sure to check out the Flying Spaghetti Monster on page 2 of origamiwolf's album! Cthulhu and FSM... I'm sensing a kindred spirit.

By shutterpuck (not verified) on 13 Jul 2006 #permalink

It goes back to the messianic view of these people. "I am the light, and the light knows right." They think that only they know what G.D wants , and I guess G.D doesn't want Kent to pay taxes.

By P.C.Chapman (not verified) on 13 Jul 2006 #permalink

Hey, P. Z., I knew you'd like that. ;)

I really am a Countess. I inherited the title when I married The Count. He's half Hungarian, and that's where the title comes from. It's worth jack shit, since his family has no money anymore, but it's still fun being a Countess. Even if it's in name only.

Countess, Es maga hogy tetszik lenni?

Just curious what is his name? I'm born in Brazil of 100% Magyar ancestry with a couple of coat of arms on my mother's side. No money here either but a rich family history nonetheless.

Some tenous links back to Danish Royalty circa 1100's with a murderous black sheep that ended up living in Hungary. Story sounds a bit like Hamelet. Valami buzlik Daniaban...

By Fernando Magyar (not verified) on 13 Jul 2006 #permalink

LOL, Countess and Fernando. My daddy is also from Hungary, and he told me our family had been part of some noble family too, but he was quite firm that We Are Americans Now, and he wouldn't tell me any more about it. Pity.

By speedwell (not verified) on 13 Jul 2006 #permalink

LOL, Countess and Fernando. My daddy is also from Hungary, and he told me our family had been part of some noble family too, but he was quite firm that We Are Americans Now, and he wouldn't tell me any more about it. Pity.

By speedwell (not verified) on 13 Jul 2006 #permalink

å¨,ä½ çå¾æä¸æå?

You know, Vladimir Putin takes a strong line on this kind of thing:

After wrapping up an online conference last Thursday, Putin took a few minutes to answer several of the most-popular questions sent in by Russian Internet users, Kommersant reported Friday.

...Asked about the possible awakening of the giant mythical octopus Cthulhu, the fourth-most popular question among the more than 150,000 sent to Putin, he said that he believed something more serious was behind the question. Cthulhu was invented by novelist H.P. Lovecraft and was said to be sleeping beneath the Pacific Ocean.

Putin said he viewed mysterious forces with suspicion and advised those who took them seriously to read the Bible, Koran or other religious books.

Fernando, his last name is Levay. He's not even sure if his dad was pulling his leg. His dad liked to make himself sound important, and saying he was a Count is exactly the kind of thing he'd do. I like to think that he was telling the truth. I am a Countess ruling over our tiny home and six cats. I rule here. ;)



ä½ æ¯ä¸å人å?

Keith Douglas,

Vous ne parlez qu'une langue?

Qué lástima.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons, even paper may be folded into the shape of a Great Old One.

...Hmm. Doesn't scan.

Countess if you can rule six cats you can rule anything LOL!

By Fernando Magyar (not verified) on 14 Jul 2006 #permalink