Congratulate the nobility!

Give the Countess a happy word — she's had her first novel accepted for publication. She's going to have to let me have a copy to review.

It's in the erotic romance genre, which suggests there will be lots of tentacles, mucus-slick chitin, and numerous eyes, so I'm sure I'll be the perfect audience for it. Oh, wait — maybe not? What else could it be about?


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It's in the erotic romance genre, which suggests there will be lots of tentacles

*perks up* Davy Jones?

No? Dammit, there's no new erotica out involving him. I've read everything.

Yeah, unfortunately it's romance for the mainstream---you know, the people responsible for the popularity of things like Christianity and microwave dinners and American Idol. Notorious for their collective lack of taste.

No offense to the Countess, of course. But a good romance novel has been, in my experience, a rare bird. Most of them could only be enjoyed by someone with no taste.

Sex with an elder being is unlikely to leave participant's sanity intact, and is carried out at considerable risk to life and limb, and limb, and limb, and limb, and limb, and limb, and ....

You have been warned!


Sometimes, PZ, your romantic proclivities remind me of Dr. Zoidberg.

For some reason I'm frisky as a squid on Tuesday. ... Love? That word is unknown here. I'm simply looking for a female swollen with eggs to accept my genetic material.


Well, that supports my theory that intellectuals shouldn't wear shorts! Haha. He's lost his scary to me now.

By Oh, fishy, fis… (not verified) on 19 Jun 2007 #permalink

Thanks, PZ!! I will definitely get a copy to you when the book comes out. I'm so happy about this! Yet another dream has come true for me.

Countess, great news!

PZ, this sex with a ghost stuff better be a pirate's ghost or I may not be able to willingly suspend belief. ;-}

By JohnnieCanuck, FCD (not verified) on 20 Jun 2007 #permalink