Good. Bad. They're the ones doing the hosting.

The Tangled Bank

Tangled Bank is coming up, to be hosted at the FrinkTank. This could be interesting; we usually don't have any guidelines beyond that the topic of the submitted articles relate to science, but the frinksters will be giving special preference to "submissions that contain curse words, gratuitous nudity, or general bad taste". I was thinking of sending in that one with the breast shot that met the standards of gratuity and bad taste, but I think we all want to forget that one.

Anyway, send your links in to the FrinkTank, to me, or to by Tuesday.

More like this

Two carnivals under my purview are coming up next week, both on Wednesday, 12 April, so let's get rolling on bringing in exciting links. The Tangled Bank will be held at Discovering Biology in a Digital World, under the care of Sandra Porter. Send links to interesting science writing to her, to me…
The next Tangled Bank (#58) is coming up on Wednesday, 19 July, at Salto Sobrius. Have you sent in a submission yet? Mail links to your science weblog entries to Martin Rundkvist or or me by Tuesday.
Quick, read someone else's blog and then come over to join in the open thread! Grand Rounds 3(36) I and the Bird #50 Friday Ark #141 The Tangled Bank is coming up on Wednesday, 6 June, at the Behavioral Ecology Blog. Send those links in to me or by Tuesday.
Hey! I almost forgot! After a brief Christmas hiatus, the Tangled Bank will be back on Wednesday, 9 January, at Aardvarchaeology — so send those links in to me or by Tuesday.

Perhaps I could send this in.

By FishyFred (not verified) on 12 Aug 2006 #permalink