Representative theological arguments

This is exactly what I hear when someone tries to promote their favorite cult.

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We all knew this was going to happen. The Bastrop High School graduation ceremony began with a prayer. Do I have to say it again? That's what the moment of prayer is for. If you feel the need to give "glory to your lord", go for it, do it then. But telling everyone else to give glory to your lord…
Or so Karl Giberson seems to think. Early in his essay he writes: This might suggest that Ken Ham and his Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky., are becoming less relevant, as they speak for -- and to -- an increasingly smaller band of hyperconservative biblical literalists. Ham's followers,…
Video is not Christine O'Donnell's friend — every time she opens her mouth she exposes her ugly, ignorant side. The latest faux pas comes from here performance in a debate with her opponent in which she reveals she hasn't read the first amendment, and is surprised by what's in it. Here's the…
LisaJ here again. Wow. Now here's a story that just disturbed me to no end. Little Javon Thompson's mother, 21 year old Ria Ramkissoon, became a Christian at a young age, but when her local pastor disappointed her by pleading guilty to molesting young boys, she left her church and was taken in…

Beautiful. The look on Jon's face in the last split second of video is perfect.


Dammit, wrong website.

I guess nobody but me notices that a gender boundary was broken here...

Men aren't "supposed to" zagreet! (That "la-la-la" ululation.) Go Carel!

Now drop the Islam and just move your hips, man.

Bookslut lives up to its name

Francis S. Collins has written with humanity, with respect, and most importantly, with depth and accessibility. It matters not a whit whether I, or other readers, agree with him on every point; what matters is the intelligence and nuance at work here.

Yes, "two days before the war".... better check your satire meter, I think it may be broken. )Understandably, because they do a good job of it.)
Actually, I saw that one yesterday (this post had me searching for more oldie and goodies) and the sideburns on Carrell look awfully like those in recently posted photographs of a developmental biologist we know.