Good for Nebraska

One has to wonder how fundies react to the images enshrined on the floor of the state capitol building (you can also see a more panoramic view here).


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Oooooh! Those are COOL! I'm really surprised, not just that these would show up in Nebraska, but also that they'd put critters in it that most people wouldn't recognize.

Back in my college days in Lincoln, the capitol was referred to as the penis of the plains. The thing is totally phallic, complete with a gold dome, and a sower of the seed on top spreading seeds across the plains. Surprisingly, the fundies haven't complained about that.

When I was a kid I was a paleontology nut, and I always got a kick out of visiting the rotunda. Many a summer afternoon spent there.

By Scott de B. (not verified) on 26 Sep 2006 #permalink

Sue beat me to the "Penis Of The Plains" reference, but she's right. I'm also a Nebraska native, and let me tell you that despite the progresive floor design there are still plenty of conservative hard-ons walking its halls.

Please, don't talk about it too much or some of the mouth breathers that inhabit this state will start pushing to lay Congoleum over it.

By Nan from Omaha (not verified) on 26 Sep 2006 #permalink

I'm interested to hear about the phallic design of the Nebraska capital. Florida too has a VERY suggestive capital complex with the tall capital office building flanked by the domes of the House and Senate. There's even an urban legend in Tallahassee that the original blueprints called for a fountain on the top.

Silly evolutionists. That's a depiction of the waiting line to get into the ark, natch.

Excuse me, but all of these structures are inadequate, nay, Limbaugh-like, when compared to the Hoover Tower on the Stanford campus (aka Hoover's last erection).

By Albatrossity (not verified) on 26 Sep 2006 #permalink

Hm. Again, a strategically misplaced fountain...

We're not in Kansas anymore.

By CJColucci (not verified) on 26 Sep 2006 #permalink

I rather prefer Jello Biafra's christening of the Washington Monument as The Great Eternal Klansman for it's pointed top and two red lights on all four side that glow just below that pointy top.

But look! They don't show any intermediary forms! See the tile floor disproves evolution!

I live just a few blocks away and do some lobbying there.

It's a wonderful building and those floors have always made my smile.

I love that building


That is some inspirational stuff. Never knew that opinions could be this varied. Thanks for all the enthusiasm to offer such helpful information here.