Another distinguished attendee at the Howlerfest

How could I forget the big lady at the Natural History Museum? We also got to meet Archy.



Cute, isn't she? She was also impressive in person—that's one big squid.

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Oooh, I read about that. At first, I was freaking out because I thought 'on display' meant they had it swimming around in a tank.

Well, I was half right.

Still looks pretty cool though, I'd love to see it. Looks like it's decomposing pretty badly, even though they have it in a solution of GSM-knows-what, and it'll probably be gone by the time I get the chance to go over there.

don't worry Sarah--the decomposition occured before they got it into the tank.
Grounded Spag Monster? Groveling SM? Gallivanting SM?

Wouldn`t it be theoretically possible to create plastinates of mollusks? In fact yes it would. But why aren`t there any. Are there no compounds that could be used to polymerize in situ?

How big is big? How long is Archy, tip to tip?

GSM == Gotfingeronwrongkey Spaghetti Monster.

GSM == the Great Speghetti Monster? We are coming up on the Great Pumpkin season...any relation...

Yes. FSM. I meant FSM.

Damn. I've offended the pirates.

Good grief dude you sure do get around. I gotta start keeping up with this blog. Wow.

Another distinguished attendee at the Howlerfest

Heh. Don't you wish you had written, "Another extinguished guest at Howlerfest"?

I was there on Saturday just gone, specifically to see the giant squid (which was fantastic, by the way) but we were told we couldn't take photographs.

Is this preferential treatment for fellow scientists in action? ;-)

Holy moly that's one big squid!

Wouldn't it be theoretically possible to create plastinates of mollusks? In fact yes it would. But why aren't there any. Are there no compounds that could be used to polymerize in situ?

Having visited the Bodyworlds 2 exhibit when it was in Los Angeles (quite possibly the most fascinating and exciting exhibit I've seen in my life!), I think that's a fantastic idea! If there's some reason the plastination process couldn't be used on sea creatures, I'd be interested to know why.

Is it a testament to just what a nerd I am that reading on the BW site that #3 will be coming to Phoenix, I find myself feeling the same sort of excitement and awe that I experienced upon seeing the exhibit for the first time?

Maybe it's time for his noodly church to schism - it's not a proper religion without factions.
One group can emphasise his greatness the other his cool ability to fly.

By James Orpin (not verified) on 17 Oct 2006 #permalink