You've gotta start somewhere

Evil Bobby (with a name like that, he should know) tells me that Darth Vader's little brother Chad Vader is working as a night manager at a grocery store in Madison. I'm going to have to suggest to my son that he look the place up and toss a tangelo down one of the ventilation shafts, just to see what happens.

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The press helped elect Donald Trump. The mainstream press loved itself that false balance, giving absurdly pseudo-even coverage to whatever tripe might be spewed by willfully ignorant conservatives. So, screw them, and we await their apology. Meanwhile, the tabloid press has made its own…

I can't help but point out that that's my band playing "Shuckin' the Corn" during the dog chase scene in episode 4. It was featured on Good Morning America, which is as close to fame as I'm ever likely to reach.

By Evan Murdock (not verified) on 21 Oct 2006 #permalink