Reading as a morphogen

Oh, man, I know this feeling.


More like this

Oh, man, 14 year old articulate atheist kids — I'm feeling old. I don't know if she'd even be allowed to participate in the vulgar and voluble thread. (Current totals: 11,932 entries with 1,291,666 comments.)
Okay, the last bit about Billy Bragg, Woody Guthrie, and Stetson Kennedy before getting back to natural product medicines.... So, the folk musician in me had prepared for Stetson Kennedy at his 90th birthday celebration this weekend a new verse to the Woody Guthrie lyrics set to music by Billy…
And a few words about Michele Bachamann. Oh, and he makes the claim that Dan Quail was brilliant. Brilliant! Man, this guy sure does know how to babble. At least he admits that he is a moron several times. More details and analysis here, at DMB.
Brian Flemming reveals that the godless debaters who will engage the two idiots on 5 May are Brian Sapient and Kelly of the Rational Response Squad. He also mentions that Ray Comfort is planning to bring a banana to the debate. Oh, man, I hope so. If the debate rolls around to atheist morality (…

This is what you get for reading the Necronomicon without the proper incantations and initiations first. Now you know why it's tucked away in the special collections at Miskatonic, rather than just out on the shelves for anyone to read.

This is what you get for reading the Necronomicon without the proper incantations and initiations first.

Klattu Veratta Nic*cough*...

There, I said it!

Now I can take the book...

Geek moment:

FYI, for those that didn't already know, Bruce Campbell's line in Army of Darkness originally came from the old Sci Fi fillm, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and was the command used to stop the robot Gort from destroying the Earth.

FYI, for those that didn't already know, that line originally came from Harry Bates's brilliant 1940 short story _Farewell to the Master_, which was bastardized and almost completely inverted to yield the trite piece of giant-monster tub-thumping which was _The Day the Earth Stood Still_.

There were no translation problems in that story, no `Klaatu barada nikto', and, well, the only real similarities between the Gnut and Klaatu in the story and the one in the film were the names and the appearances. And the twist at the end is quite something. It manages to emit the `strange alien' vibes more strongly than anything else I've read except for, perhaps, Terry Carr's _The Dance of the Changer and the Three_. (Ted Chiang's _Story Of Your Life_ also comes close.)

(Yes, I do think the film is overrated. How can you tell?)

ooh, thanks!

you've one-upped me in geekdom; greatly appreciated!

...and yes, I too think the film is/was way overrated.