After 3 hours of deliberation, the jury found Kent Hovind and his wife GUILTY of tax fraud.

Goodbye, 'Dr' Dino.

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Sit down. Make sure you're in a place where guffaws won't disrupt the scene…although, actually, the amount of money this guy was raking in with his scam might mute the laughter a bit. Here's more information on Hovind's arrest. A Pensacola evangelist who owns the defunct Dinosaur Adventure Land in…
In the most predictable result ever, the jury deliberated only 3 hours before finding Kent Hovind and his wife guilty on all charges. A federal jury has convicted Kent Hovind and his wife, Jo, of tax fraud. Hovind faces a maximum of 288 years in prison. His wife faces up to 225 years. Her charges…
Kent Hovind, one of the slimiest of the young-Earth ignorance peddlers, has been sentenced to ten years in prison for tax fraud: Pensacola evangelist Kent Hovind was sentenced Friday afternoon to 10 years in prison on charges of tax fraud. After a lengthy sentencing hearing that last 5 1/2 hours…
The description of the end of the Hovind trial from the Pensacola News Journal can be found below the fold. Foolish little man. Pensacola evangelist and tax protester Kent Hovind winked at his wife and gave her a reassuring smile as he was led away to jail. Jo Hovind clutched the necktie he had…

I just read that too! Maximum penalty is 288 years, but what's the minimum? Even if it's a year per count of Tax Fraud it will require Dr. Dino to update his itinerary! Somehow I don't think he'll make these tour dates.

I'm sure Hovind and his wife won't really mind staying in jail the rest of their lives - they'll be doing it for God, who will surely reward them in the great hereafter.

Or not.

I wonder if they'll make a run for the border.

I suspect endless appeals. But they should serve time while they do.

Yippee! God is just.

I hope that jury takes into account the fact that Hovind and Wife are remorseless scumbags who will go right back to their lying thieving ways the INSTANT they are put back on the street.

They need to spend as much time in the clink making license plates and cleaning roadside trash as they did filling people's brains with junk and stealing money.

By Great White Wonder (not verified) on 02 Nov 2006 #permalink

Kent said that God could end his case in 0 seconds. It took the jury just three hours.

Someone in comment section of the Pensacola newspaper suggested suggested they should do community service instead of jail. Maybe, they speak about how wrong it is to not pay taxes.

Yippee! God is just.

God had nothing to do with it. Sometimes the system doesn't fail completely, that's all - and it hasn't managed to not fail yet. Let's see what the sentencing holds in store.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 02 Nov 2006 #permalink

How can you get an appeal when you didn't present any evidence or call any witnesses in the trial itself? On what grounds? Doctuh Hovind is so ignorant of the law that he hired a lawyer who was ignorant of the law as well? Slam dunk, Al Capone of Creationism.

It's nice to know that, just occasionally, bad things do happen to bad people.

Maybe Hovind is planning to appeal based on the incompetence of his lawyer?

Would there be too much irony if I posted the lyrics to Handel's Messiah Hallelujah chorus right about now?

This seems to be an unlucky day for fundamentalist preachers. One gets found guilty of tax fraud. Another gets accused by a prostitute.

Three makes a trifecta. :-)


Guys, guys. It is not appropriate to call him "Hovind", "Kent", "Doctuh Hovind", etc. We should call him by the proper title he has earned by merit.

"Convicted felon Kent Hovind".

Now, if only he could get convicted of committing "scientific" fraud against the public as well.....

You mean "Convicted felon Dr. Kent Hovind".

uh, what exactly is his doctorate in? Felony convictions?

uh, what exactly is his doctorate in? Felony convictions?

It is now! Here's your "diploma" Dr. Dino, and I'm lifting a glass to the jury tonight. Fab!

Why does it say at the beginning of the article that they were convicted, and then at the end say "If found guilty..." ? Did they use some of the same paragraphs as a previous story and forget to update?

Yes, yes, the man is a despicable con artist. But pause in the triumphal trumpeting to note something horrifying about this case. Click on the link and scroll down past the news item to the comments. The man has just been decisively proven in a court of law to be robbing his neighbors by not paying his taxes. Every article published in the paper points out the ample evidence that "Dr." Hovind makes out like a bandit in the religion racket, raking in thousands and thousands of dollars for his "ministry," a great deal of which goes to line his own pockets, and all of which he sought (rather ineffectually) to hide from the authorities. And still, there are lots of readers of the Pensacola News Journal who eagerly leap to his defense.

Remember that there is no man so stupid and venal and despicable that he cannot hide behind religious convictions, real or feigned, and be believed good and righteous by the deluded faithful.

Remember that on Tuesday as well, if you're feeling too apathetic or busy with other things to vote.

Why does it say at the beginning of the article that they were convicted, and then at the end say "If found guilty..." ? Did they use some of the same paragraphs as a previous story and forget to update?

Yep -- it's the story from the morning paper with the update on his conviction. Not a big story apparently (not even a surprise).

God had nothing to do with it. Sometimes the system doesn't fail completely, that's all - and it hasn't managed to not fail yet. Let's see what the sentencing holds in store.

Aw, shucks. Can't I be naively optimistic for one second?


OK, that was too over the top. But, this reminds me of the Sam Kinnison skit, where Jesus is looking over Jim & Tammy Fay Bakkers amusement park, flipping throught the bibble and saying to himself,"And where the fuck did I say to build a water slide?!?!?!"

By Christian (not verified) on 02 Nov 2006 #permalink

Perhaps Pastor Haggard can come visit Kent for conjugal visits.


OK, that was too over the top. But, this reminds me of the Sam Kinnison skit, where Jesus is looking over Jim & Tammy Fay Bakkers amusement park, flipping throught the bibble and saying to himself,"And where the fuck did I say to build a water slide?!?!?!"

By Christian (not verified) on 02 Nov 2006 #permalink


OK, that was too over the top. But, this reminds me of the Sam Kinnison skit, where Jesus is looking over Jim & Tammy Fay Bakkers amusement park, flipping throught the bibble and saying to himself,"And where the fuck did I say to build a water slide?!?!?!"

By Christian (not verified) on 02 Nov 2006 #permalink

Once is enough, FFS.

Well, this proves there IS a Cthulhlu, and he is looking out for us. *prepares human sacrifice*

LOL.... I'm sure the headlines will soon change, but I was laughing out loud just now....

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'Dr. Dino,' wife guilty
A 12-member jury has convicted tax protester Kent Hovind and his wife.
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George W. Bush is scheduled for his second political trip to Pensacola in as many years.
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Officials are warning Gulf Breeze residents to be on the lookout for a loose chimpanzee.
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Yow- three hours to settle forty-four counts. As someone who has been on a jury, that indicates to me just how obviously guilty the guy was. That's not just a fast decision, that's a blistering fast decision. The case must have been a slam-dunk for the prosecution.

Guess that's what you get when your invisible friends keep the books...

Perhaps Hovind can get the Bakkers to Springasaurus him outta there.

Oh frabjous day, calloo callay!
He chortled in his joy.

uh, what exactly is his doctorate in? Felony convictions?

Christian Education. From an unaccredited school called Patriot Bible University, campus pictured here.

Christian Education.

you mean xian indoctrination.

have you ever seen those videos where he teaches children?


and of course, he's a perennial favorite of Jack Chick:

IIRC, that's the video where he teaches the kiddies to challenge their teachers with the every poignant:

"Were you there?"

I wonder if Hovind will say the same thing about speculation on his activities while in prison.

don't drop the soap there, Kent.

Correct me if I'm wrong but these sentences might be served concurrently. So, for a possible two years per charge and good behavior, Hovind might be out in one-and-a-half years.

Gee, I hope this doesn't mean they'll miss the rapture.

By Mrs. Peach (not verified) on 02 Nov 2006 #permalink

uh, what exactly is his doctorate in? Felony convictions?

Christian Education. From an unaccredited school called Patriot Bible University, campus pictured here.

Looks like a 4-bdrm split-entry 2-car garage suburban home designed for maximal blandness. You're saying he was home-schooled for his doctorate. Or am I misinterpreting something?

Now that I see that pic, I am nearly certain it was covered on this blog before - probably more than once - yeah, 10 hits on pharyngula and dispatches, says google. And has the details as I should have known. Probably more at the old pharyngula.

Thank you, dorkafork .

Looks like a 4-bdrm split-entry 2-car garage suburban home designed for maximal blandness. You're saying he was home-schooled for his doctorate. Or am I misinterpreting something?

What they're saying is that that house is Patriot "University". It's a diploma mill run from that house, not a real institute of higher education.

Lets just hope the prison doesnt allow him to keep lizards as pets - I mean have you heard what they grow into if you keep them alive long enough ?
Which reminds me, do we have a new nickname in the offing for Mr Hovind - The dinosaur man of Alcatraz ?

I'm sure he'll still have his believers, but I have a feeling that the vast majority of creationists will be happy to cut him loose with a generous application of "No True Scotsman" rhetoric.

Whatever. Granted they aren't all going to go to jail, because most of them haven't done anything illegal. But there's still quite a few left to shoot down.

So, does this mean the very very end of Dino Adventure Land?

I wouldn't be so quick to say that he's out for the count if he winds up in the clink. What with all that free time on his hands I'm sure there will be plenty of room for lots of self reflection. And what with all the new friends he's sure to make in there, there will be plenty of opportunities for exploring lots of new territory. So I wouldn't say this is the end of Dino Adventure Land, I'd say it's just the beginning.

Kent said that God could end his case in 0 seconds. It took the jury just three hours.

Erm, 3 hours = 10800 seconds.......

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 02 Nov 2006 #permalink

I wonder if this means that God enjoys schadenfreude as much as the rest of us?

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 03 Nov 2006 #permalink

As I've said when other scumbags have been jailed, and I'll say again when Ann Coulter goes up the river, it isn't schadenfreude if you aren't ashamed.

Bush confirmed at Civic Center
George W. Bush is scheduled for his second political trip to Pensacola in as many years.
Story chat ( 44 Comments )

Chimp on the loose
Officials are warning Gulf Breeze residents to be on the lookout for a loose chimpanzee.
Story chat ( 9 Comments )

Thanks, Donna--I'll let you know when my side stops hurting.

"I wonder if this means that God enjoys schadenfreude as much as the rest of us?"

Probably, which suggests he's created in our image.

By Chili Pepper (not verified) on 03 Nov 2006 #permalink

An amusing comment I heard about this: "Wow, 288 years! That's a long time. That's almost 5% of the age of the Earth!"

I wonder... to which religion will the good 'doctor' convert while he is in stir?

By bybelknap (not verified) on 03 Nov 2006 #permalink

Hovind will appeal, be forced to pay restitution on taxes owed, get a nice fine, have his properties confiscated/sold, and face some nice fat bills otherwise ( think of the legal fees). I'd expect him to get at least 70 months or more, based on previous cases like the "Minnesota Tax Protestors"
and the husband and wife team who got 156 months and 60 months respectively:

Since 1987, the Feds only allow 54 days of "good time " per year, which means you do roughly 85% of the sentence. Schadenfreude.

By deadman_932 (not verified) on 03 Nov 2006 #permalink

I see the vultures have come out to feed their apetite for self-justification, intentional ignorance, and wicked glee.. I imagine you folks would have railed your hatred at the likes of Patrick Henry in his day too. How long will you choose foolishness? How long will you love wickedness in high places and slavery? Is the love of money really the root of ALL evil as Christ said? Watch "America: From Freedom To Fascism" and educate yourselves with the truth-if that matters to any of you people.. The fact is, Hovind IS a Patrick Henry, as is Charlie Beale of We The People Foundation, Joe Banister-former IRS agent with a conscience, etc, etc.. The problem is people don't care about the Constitution or Liberty because they shun responsibility that such gifts demand. Grow up people. With your sick comments it's clear your sense of justice and truth is as pale as the whites of your asses.
And to say Hovind stole money?? For what cause?? He has given up the lifestyle you probably enjoy to live out his convictions on spiritual truth-to tell people they can be forgiven of their sin. Yeah- that's a self centered life isn't it??? Does he drive exoctic cars and dine in caviar? Please! I am sorry you people choose ignorance and selfishness. Hovind dedicated his life to "loving his neighbor" such that they could find forgiveness and life in Christ through the message of Creation. And what does he get from you?? Hate. Many of you rejoice in injustice... and can't even see it. I sincerely hope you change your mind before you receive your justice. To watch the above mentioned film, watch it on Google Video For Free. I challenge you.… Or see the website

By Istherenotacause? (not verified) on 04 Nov 2006 #permalink

Wow, I never knew the depth of depravity of the other side until I read all of your comments. You actually rejoice in the misfortune of others. That truly is sick. When evil is rewarded with evil or injustice I am sad, but when good is rewarded with evil I get really angry. True Christians do not rejoice in the destruction of those who oppose us. That is the difference between us and you - compassion.
Dr. Hovind and his family, no matter what your opinion of his personal beliefs, is a human being. His convictions - whether you agree with their merrit or not - are what drives him to travel the country and speak nearly 200 times a year and if you've ever actually taken the time to listen to his presentations, which by your reactions to his situation you aren't educated on this matter, you would have noticed his true concern for the people he speaks to and their eternal condition. He doesn't force his beliefs down people's throats, his presentations never cost a dime to attend and his materials are not copyrighted. Those facts stand against your ignorant cliams of greed. Your lack of objectivity on the man and his obvious care for others is the evidence of your foolishness.
Who did he rob? Where is the damage to property, life or liberty of anyone else? He didn't pay FICA taxes on the employees he has and they would be the only beneficiaries of that tax - if the government is to be believed as to who benefits from that tax. Did his employees bring a civil suit against him for this? No, in fact most still work in his ministry. There is no evidence that the basic arguments most have given on this site are substantial. You call him evil and call his sentence just. You even credit God in your glee. Yet I doubt anyone here can point to a single individual that was injured by Dr. Hovind's actions. Especially since the actions were not done in secret as evidenced by the fact that so many of his employees stayed in his employ after the public revelation of the supposed tax fraud.
Instead of assuming all Christians and fundamentalists are fools, have you ever thought of checking behind the curtain to see who's pulling the strings and what they have to gain on your side?

That is the difference between us and you - compassion.

I feel compassion for all the poor people - especially children - who
were deceived and manipulated by Kent Hovind's dishonest con game.

That includes you, and it includes most of his family - but it doesn't
include Kent Hovind himself.

Well, we're sure quick to draw and quarter the "guilty", are'nt we? Most of you sitting on this panel of jurists just loathe the very idea of facing accountability with God. According to the Gospel, as proclaimed in the King James version of the Bible, God did not leave us to our own devices.....He dealt with the sin issue, and has reconciled us to Himself by the shed Blood of is only Son, Jesus Christ. Kent Hovind has been telling a lost and dying world that truth for years; and of course He has upset all of you. The truth does that. Kent's presentations are an effective tool to simply expose the myth of evolution. Kent's stand on the tax laws are shocking, but he is actually based in truth! Have any of you seen Mr. Aaron Russo's new film release "America, freedom to fascism"? What an eye opener! Please take the time to view this, before you return your verdict. Since none of us know "everything", it is quite possible that God does exist--in that area that you just don't know YET. Thank you. May God bless you, Dr, Hovind, and family.

I find it commical that people on this panel can claim manipulation by Christians at large and Dr. Hovind specifically when he has had a $50,000.00 reward on his website for anyone who can show actual documented proof of evolution for several years. Telling both sides of the story - what creationism is and what evolution teaches - is not manipulation. Manipulation is lawyers twisting the Constitution and using the threat of force or monetary loss to silence those in the education system who believe evolution is a farce.
The manipulation is taking place by those who not only refuse to examine the evidence of creationism, but also refuse to allow anyone else to simply see it and judge for themselves. It is quite telling that teacher's unions and the ACLU cry foul when someone simply volunteer's their time to talk about God and opposing views in schools, and at the same time agressively defend their right to teach the opposite view. Freedom of speech doesn't only apply to those ideologies you agree with. The obvious manipulation is on your side. If the science of evolution is actually true, then why must it be supported by taxes and the opposing view suppressed? Isn't truth self-evident? Cannot people judge between the two when presented with both theories and all their faults, or would that show evolution to be what it truly is: A Godless religion based on Humanism and nothing more.

I find it commical that people on this panel can claim manipulation by
Christians at large ...

Hovind is in custody, not at large, and he's quite comical.

Jeff: The problems with your basic premises in the above arguments, as well as the factual inaccuracies and disingenous characterization of opponents' positions have been covered so thoroughly that it is incredible that you could have failed to have been exposed to them. It is more plausible by far that you have already made up your mind and don't want to be confused by the facts, so I am not going to restate it all here. Suffice it to say this: the reason we are opposed to teaching Creationism in science classes is that there IS no evidence for Creationism, and it is not science. Unless you've been under a stone altar for the last 150-odd years, you know this as well as I do, whether you'll admit it to yourself and the world or not.

I just read the two posts about Jeffs.

What. The. HELL. Is. Wrong. With. You. People?

Seriously. The man is a lying, self-serving fraud. If you can possibly fail to see this...

Whatever. Wallow in the idiotic delusions to which you cling like drowning men clutching an anchor. I wash my hands of it.