
By way of Feministing, here's a rather irritating tool to rank your site for it's "bloglebrity". It's pink and it's illustrated with a photo of Paris Hilton.

A-List Blogger

I hate it. Here, I've fixed it.


You can add your own photo of Barbara McClintock or Rosalind Franklin to the background.

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I tried it, and it says I'm a D list blogger. Wahhhhh!!! There goes my chances of being the mext Mark Steyn. Well, okay, I'd also have to be a narrowminded git as well, but still....

Isn't Celeblogger a better word. Bloglebrity makes my tounge fall out on the table and cringe in pain.

Paris Hilton huh?

I'd do it, but I really don't think that my blog would be accentuated with the inevitable Rhea Perlman ranking that I'd get.....


I know I'm supposed to despise Paris Hilton.

By Stephen Erickson (not verified) on 21 Nov 2006 #permalink

Everybody gets Paris Hilton (there's a metaphor there, that floozy). You just get different letters in the pink puffy star.

What a dumb rating system! Why the heck would anyone want to display a grade of "C" or "D" on their blog on a big poofy Barbie star?

"Look Mom, I got a D!!!" Hello?

Zeta-list? That has connotations of the alien conspiracy theories doesn't it?

I'm apparently a B-list blogger. No picture of Paris Hilton for me, though - I got some unidentified female celebrity about to slam some guy's head into a parking meter.


I don't know if my B-list status means I should be slammed headfirst into things, or if I get to kick ass and take names, or if people should put change into my blog.

"Celeblogger" (it sounds like Quenya)? "Bloglebrity"?

I thought that concept already had a word: "Blogstar".

By MartÃn Pereyra (not verified) on 21 Nov 2006 #permalink

Don't you all mean blagebrity?

grendel: I didn't at first, but yeah. Totally.

PZ's blogging skills have been passed down through his family for generations!

I checked and got C-list... perfect. Now the principle won't notice me and I can just slide on by until graduation. Wait... that was 40 years ago? Crap, where did the time go?!!

What a dumb rating system! Why the heck would anyone want to display a grade of "C" or "D" on their blog on a big poofy Barbie star?

Does GWB have a blog? He might proudly display a "C".

What a dumb rating system! Why the heck would anyone want to display a grade of "C" or "D" on their blog on a big poofy Barbie star?

I posted it. Frankly, I'm shocked I'm on any list.

Are we just supposed to do ours?

Overwhelming Evidence D-List
Uncommon Descent B-List
Mindful Hack D-List
Amused Muse C-List (damn!)
At least I'm honest. And I could be the (blogging) president.

And I have intelligence that UD is developing spurt-free cherry Bizmarcks. I have a plan.

I would have gone with


By SpringheelJ (not verified) on 21 Nov 2006 #permalink