Brontops, Galago, and Hyracodon

Good news for Olduvai George—he's got new commissions that are keeping him busy—but that means he might be a little tied up for a while. Still, he's nice enough to give us an eclectic mix of interesting creatures.

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I love brontotheres...
I wonder if it would be possible to genetically engineer new ones by splicing rhino and horse DNA into a tapir.

i loved carl and frank from the movie ice age ..they were hilarious

never realized they were so BIG

(sigh)beautiful paintings

By brightmoon (not verified) on 08 Dec 2006 #permalink

i loved carl and frank from the movie ice age ..they were hilarious

never realized they were so BIG

(sigh)beautiful paintings

By brightmoon (not verified) on 08 Dec 2006 #permalink