Reason #11 to vote for Pharyngula


Someone is voting like mad, and it ain't one of my partisans. The naked dude is passing me by and increasing his lead.

Vote for Pharyngula (and remember, you can vote every day!). Unless you really want to read my bitter, whiny concession speech.

>P.S. Another neck-and-neck race is shaping up in the Best Educational Blog category—quick, get over there and vote for Bérubé, or there will be more show trials!

More like this

As of 1:10pm CST, Pharyngul and Bad Astronomy were neck and neck, tied at 6183. I've been doing my part, canvassing the neighborhood, trying to "get out the vote". But the most common responses to my efforts are "What's a pharyngula?" and "What's an internet?"

By Byron K. Arthur (not verified) on 14 Dec 2006 #permalink

Just voted and PZ is in front by ~100. Maybe us voters should try to see how close we can get the result to a tie!

Well, as of 3:48 EST your up by over one hundred.

Oh no! He's gaining up again! as of 7:57 PM EST, pharyngula is only ONE vote!

Man, it's races like these that really get people out to vote :P

that should read:
"pharyngula is only WINNING by ONE vote!"

The Bad Egg Balancer is now winning. Again.

Unless you really want to read my bitter, whiny concession speech.

Decisions, decisions . . . .