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You look very calm and serene in this portrait.
That's just the sedative kicking in. Getting PZ to stay still long enough to pose must have been a herculean task, otherwise.
But I want you to know, that the next day that spot in the buttock where the dart went in? It hurts like heck.
Hey now.. that one looks like you.
Pose? Pose! I wish. All I had was an "elf head" and that tiny profile photo to work from tonight.
Get that sucker framed and hang it up in your office.
No- that's not a caricature.
A good caricature should be insulting and it should hideously distort your worst features into an obscene parody of a human being.
If anything- that picture makes you look like a nice person.
Let's put the grotesque back into art shall we? After all, 'tis the season to stab loved ones in the back.
Oh- and Carl, you're very talented. Don't mistake my misanthropy for criticism of your technique.
Just use your powers for bad in the future OK?
It's a very nice picture, but as others have noted, it's not much of a caricature. There really aren't any distortions, except for a very minor emphasis on the lower half of the face and a de-emphasis on the top half.
I mean, really, is that a visage that will strike fear in the hearts of creationists? Something a little more Davy Jones-y might suffice.
*random racket*
Gosh, PZ. Mr. Buell makes you look almost....saintly. My vast army of undead android creationist-squirrel hybrids all genuflected when they saw it. At least I think they were genuflecting. There were a lot of chittering sounds, that's for sure. But you know, like they say, they *are* nuts.
Two drawings in one day, that's gotta make a fella's head swell a fraction. What next, Leroy Neiman?
Oh, wait, I forgot. All Neiman's pictures of celebs seem to look the same anyway. For all I know, you've already been immortalized. For that matter, I may be famous, too.
Hmmm. I seem to be channelling Andy Warhol today....SH
If it was a caricature, he'd have a huge head, a huge nose, and would be driving a dune buggy.
Exactly. He looks like a human. How much more hideous and grotesque could anything get! :-D
That's a very nice portrait. Where's the squid like in the other picture?
Hey, George, any chance I could get a new avatar?
PZ, I'm picturing this hanging on your office door, with a caption:
"So I look like a nice guy. I still get to decide your grade."
Christian and Caledonian: I haven't done this in a long time. You should have seen my Nixon and Kissinger back when I actually did cartoons for newspapers 40 years ago. PZ did something for me that I wanted to thank him for, so I hid the tentacles beneath the shirt and tie! Next year, all the flaws will show...ya gotta bait'em in with "nice". A better (larger) photo would have helped too.
Scott: Damn! I can't get the vision of "undead android creationist-squirrel hybrids" out of my mind!
John Wilkins: Absolutely! I'm very good at morphing white gorillas.
Just to be clear. Tentacles are NOT flaws! I'm just saying that should there be a next time, the gloves come off.
I was thrown by the tie for a minute. How often, PZ, do you actually wear a tie?
No, but my wife is always trying to get me to dress more formally, so it will have her approval.
Carl: Your work is fantastic. What a treat it would be to see an artistic rendering of my vast undead army by your hand!
However, I must give credit where credit is due. My creationist-squirrel hybrids were but a response to PZ's legions of undead cyborg-squid half-breeds.
Hmm. I sense a low-budget SciFi Channel production in all of this. Perhaps Bruce Campbell could portray one of the squirrels. Would that be casting *against* type? I think Beau Bridges would make a terrific PZ, for that matter.