In other news, Atheism Online is back in version 2.0. All heathens should report for registration at once.
I'll mention again that there's a new Tangled Bank at Salto Sobrious. Any volunteers for future hosting duties? We have slots open starting in April—drop me a note if you're interested.
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Chris Patil wrote:
Ouroboros' second anniversary is coming up this weekend, and I thought it might be nice to do something special to commemorate the occasion.
There's enough good science blogging about the biology of aging that the community deserves its own monthly carnival (along the lines of…
The latest edition of the Tangled Bank is online at Greythumb, however, I am having trouble accessing that site. Can anyone else see it? If so, what is the magical OS-browser combination that you are using? I linked to the expanded link, and managed to see it just now, but PZ still can't see it and…
The latest edition of the Tangled Bank is online at We are looking for volunteers to host future editions later this spring—drop a note to me if you're interested in spreading the word about science blogging.
Check out an all-new Carnival of Education and Tangled bank (oooh, Star Wars theme!).
Finally, don't forget about next week's Animalcules, to be hosted over at Discovering Biology in a Digital World. Send submissions to me or Sandra (sandy at geospiza dot com) next Wednesday, May 3rd.…
11 April is already gone...the 25th is on the block, and May, and June...speak up before everything gets booked!
The York Dispatch reports on the one year anniversary of the Kitzmiller trial. Behe still doesn't "get it":
What is an ignostic?
Thanks j. I like it.
Last weekend on NPR's All Things Considered program they had a nice interview with Katharine Jefferts Schori, the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church (which of the main Christian denominations in the US is probably the one most friendly toward science and free thought). They mention in passing that before she became a priest, she had been a marine biologist and studied squid evolution!
Has anybody else blogged about the extinction of the baiji dolphin? I read about the baiji in Last Chance to See, by Douglas Adams, my second favorite athiest (the first being Carl Sagan, sorry PZ) and was saddened to read that it's been declared extinct.
I ran across an extremely disgusting reaction to Tim Johnson's medical crisis.
Enter at your own risk:…
Rather heartening is the general response to the posting.
I'd like to see someone tear into this, someone giving Christianity credit for the Enlightenment:
Katherine Kersten: Culture wars over Christmas -- how about a cease-fire?
Santa banned as an illegal immigrant
via The Inquirer
Merry Cephalopdmas to all!
Sales of Festivus poles vaults