Tangled Bank #45

The Tangled Bank

The latest edition of the Tangled Bank is online at Greythumb.blog. We are looking for volunteers to host future editions later this spring—drop a note to me if you're interested in spreading the word about science blogging.

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I am still getting error messages when I try to access that site. Can anyone else see it? I am using OS 10.4.4 and I've checked with both firefox and safari.

I saw it fine just a few minutes ago (I posted the link to it ay 3:45am and beat you all to it! nya-nya-nya!). It may be overwelmed right now, after everyone here linked to it.

It doesn't load for me. I get a "page not found" report.

By Jeff Chamberlain (not verified) on 18 Jan 2006 #permalink

Yup, Pharyngulanche!

The site runs on a Linux virtual machine at a managed hosting service called unixshell.com. It's got a lot of bandwidth but is somewhat limited in the area of memory and CPU. I've had to do a number of tweaks throughout the day to keep things running.

If you have any problems loading it, just wait a minute or two and try it again.