
Here is my usual weekly roundup of strange cephalopod-themed submissions.


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It's been a while since I put up a collection of the beautifully weird cephalopod-themed stuff people send me. This one isn't entirely safe for work, but it's the weekend, and the naughty picture is lovely anyway.
This collection of cephalopod-themed political cartoons reveals a tragic bigotry: anything with lots of tentacles always gets characterized as the villain. Can't they see? More arms just means a greater ability to give hugs! (Also on FtB)
Per Moyhu it looks like the GWPF's joke review is, errm, a joke. Who could have guessed? just to refresh your memory: submissions are invited, deadline 30th of June and will be published, here. Oh. I see two obvious possibilities: (a) they got embarrassingly few submissions; (b) they got…
It has been a rough month here at Pure Pedantry. At one point last week, I think I trained rats for 8 straight hours. (My job in the lab is training rats.) And let me just tell you, that is not particularly interesting. Visualize getting a repetitive stress injury moving around an pissed off…

I never knew that Edo period natural history art used such similar styles as the European 19th century naturalists (Haeckel, etc.). Thanks for opening my eyes to a school that was completely unknown to me!

Hey Marco, looks like you captured it first.

When they talked about this squid, then let on that this squid was now pickled in the blue vat behind them, it reminded me of going to the Forestry Building in Portland when I was a kid, and seeing the exhibits of the oldest trees they'd CUT DOWN.

By Countess Cathe… (not verified) on 22 Dec 2006 #permalink

Awww . . . squitten, cute!