Jason pitches into that twit, Peter Hitchens—you may recall that I dealt with the same column a while back, but that level of stupid does support double-teaming to counter it, I think.
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You must have posted that on the one day I forgot to stop by here. Sorry about that. I've updated my post to include a link to yours.
How do these people manage to get jobs that pay better than mine? I'm going to have to convert.
Maybe that is religion's secret: reward incompetence. That'll get you a lot more support than demanding merit.
The scary part is, you don't need to really do anything.
They've even made a damn board game. I'm going to have to ask my biochem major board game fanatic step-brother what he thinks about this piece of crap.
Don't apologize! Peter Hitchens isn't my whipping boy, and there's plenty of stupid to go around.
Stupid: The only element more plentiful than hydrogen.
Stupid, or crazy like a fox? These fools are performing a service: they are preaching to the choir and serving up false hope to those delusional enough to accept it. And, people give them money to do it.
Wow! You people are really scared o Hitchens, aren't you?
I saw Peter Hitchens recently on a British tv program hosted by David Starkey (who's one of us). The format is that Starkey & three guests dicuss a couple of topical issues - 10 minutes or so each topic.
They talked about societal drugs problems. Hitchens was a fool. He seems to be a slave to ideology.