Tangled Bank #70

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You can spend all day staring at irreducibly complex patterns in the sand (wow! it's a pattern! Evidence for intelligent design? Or created by random acts of water?). Or, you can do something even more fun and enjoy a treat at Tangled Bank #70. As they say in Spain, Viva La Evolución!
Carnival of Education #99 I and the Bird #39 Friday Ark #119 And remember—the Tangled Bank will be at ¡Viva La Evolución! next Wednesday, so send links to vivalaevolucion at hotmail dot com, me, or host@tangledbank.net.
Tangled Bank #70 is up on ¡Viva La Evolución!
...is up over at Viva la Evolucion!.

A good read--I would say must read--is this interview with Robert Numbers, author of "The Creationists". It is particularly interesting for the history of the movement and for his personal rejection of his religious upbringing--I don't like the expressions "conversion" or "deconversion" for giving up superstition.


There are of course things he says that I find contestable, but it is very informative.

This pilot episode of Wired Science is worth a look. There is a good report on stem cells.
