Koufaxes are open

Chris Clarke (whose blog sure is a lot prettier all of a sudden) has revealed that the Koufax award nominations are now open. Go nominate your favoritest blogs!

I do not want anyone to nominate Pharyngula, and if nominated in any category I'll ask to be removed. You see, I've already got one. It's a nice honor, but I don't need any more, and I'd rather see the glory spread around. So this year I'm planning to campaign for someone else; I'm not sure who, yet, but we'll see what kind of exciting science-oriented blogs show up in the list this time around.


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Uh, PZ, maybe you might want to include that, at least in best expert, under new Koufax rules, you're no longer eligible, at least for this year. ;-)

But that's only one category. There are 16 others. But it is very sweet that you want to share the love. Would that others were as generous...

Well, since I'm going to abstain from pursuing nominations in any category, it really doesn't matter. Of course, it might be that I wouldn't get nominated anyway!

Ugh, and here I was thinking about a new category for Best Cephalopod Porn. Ruin all my fun.

Thanks for the flogging. We're getting off to a rather slow start - must be all the endorphins from having Pelosi et al in control of Congress.

"You see, I've already got one." - PZ Myers

That sounds suspiciously ... French.

Go and tell your master that we have been charged by God with a sacred quest. If he will give us food and shelter for the night, he can join us in our quest for the Holy Grail.
Well, I'll ask him, but I don't think he'll be very keen. Uh, he's already got one, you see.
He says they've already got one!
Are you sure he's got one?
Oh, yes. It's very nice-a. (I told him we already got one.)

Clearly, PZ Myers is French. And anti-God. Q.E.D.

By Respectful Dissent (not verified) on 07 Jan 2007 #permalink