Genetics for the spring

I know some of my students read Pharyngula, so I'll mention this here: if you're taking Biology 3101, Genetics, the course web page and syllabus are online. Get the textbook and start reading chapter 1!


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Classes start next week, and I'm teaching genetics again. I'm getting lots of questions from incoming students that I will answer right here, just in case there are a few of you reading the blog. There will be no labs the first week of class — first lab is on Tuesday, first lecture is on…
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I just got the teaching schedule for Spring, so I decided to follow up on last week's post by putting, under the fold, a series of short posts I wrote when I taught the last time, musing about teaching in general and teaching biology to adults in particular. These are really a running commentary…

Why don't I ever see posts like this on UncommonlyDense?

Oooooo yeah....

Lucky You.

I'm stuck with CampusConnect software and everything I upload gets deleted in 7 days.

Help desk says all I need to do is "manage files" not "manage announcements" - but the IT Nazis have disabled "manage files."

I am so jealous of your students! It sounds so interesting. When this morgage is done and the kiddos are through college - I am going back to school and doing it *right*.