So beautiful it will make you cry

The beginning will seem a little cryptic, and you'll wonder what those little glimmering points of light in the deep might be, but be patient—all will become clear.

(hat tip to the Science Pundit)

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gorgeous, beautiful, and strange... alas every single one of them will have been blinded by light many times brighter than they would ever see in their lifetimes *sighs* a classical ballet...

I need to go call my mother now...

But the question arises:

What does a squid have to do to get some privacy around here?

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My God, it's full of stars...

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By Ken Mareld (not verified) on 14 Jan 2007 #permalink

Does anyone know what species it is?

That's amazing! What wonderful footage they captured. It was definitely worth waiting for it to load.

I think it's likely to be a species of Gonatus (see on the Tree of Life) - Seibel et al. (2000, 2005) reported the brooding behavior and egg mass you can see in the video. The photo under 'Life History' on the ToL page also shows the egg 'sheet.' Beautiful video!

Will they really go blind?

and how can a squid that size produce an egg mass that size? is it a male caring for the eggs of many females or something?

I think it's likely to be a species of Gonatus (see on the Tree of Life) - Seibel et al. (2000, 2005) reported the brooding behavior and egg mass you can see in the video. The photo under 'Life History' on the ToL page also shows the egg 'sheet.' Beautiful video!

You are probably right considering that this video was actually made by Seibel to defend said paper. Here's the description from the person who posted the video on YouTube:

When Brad Seibel's 2000 paper suggested squids brood, it was called "erroneous." Years later when Seibel had the opportunity to direct a submersible he captured this footage confirming his hypothesis. Take that, cephalopod traditionalists!



What does a squid have to do to get some privacy around here?

Heh. John B, I was thinking the same thing as the squid was staring into the camera there towards the end.

Several years ago, I was fortunate enough to be scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef on that one evening each year that the coral spawn. The scene was very similar, although not nearly so deep. You sort of have a silent reverence (if I may use that word on this blog ;-) just for being a witness to such an ancient and beautiful process. Thanks for sharing this.

Have any of you seen the new BBC series Planet Earth ? Episode 11 Ocean Deep has some stunning deep sea photography. Worth getting the series just for that alone.

Your psychological reactions are merely electrical impulses in your meat brains, humans.

What's your point?

(Why is this post suddenly on the "most emailed" list? O.o)

It's a shame Clatu's electrical impulses weren't able to produce a more worthwhile comment. Go read some Nietzsche and feel sorry for yourself in some other corner. This is just a cool video.