Another item to add to your calendar

On Saturday and Sunday, 17-18 February, it's the Twin Cities Creation "Science" Association's Science Fair…held that week in honor of Charles Darwin's birthday, I'm sure. Unfortunately, I'm making the drive to Minneapolis twice that week already, so I'm going to have to pass on making a third trip.

Besides, it just makes me sad to see kids told they have to put bible verses on their science projects.

More like this

The Twin Cities Creation Science Association Home School Science Fair, held each year in February, in Har Mar Mall, Roseville, Minnesota, will occur this year on Saturday & Sunday, February 16 and 17, 2008. The Application Deadline is January 31st, 2008 ($5.00 entry fee) You can register…
Rats, I have to miss it again. The Twin Cities Creation Science wackos are buggering up science and children's education again this weekend with a Creation Pseudo-Science Fair at the Har-Mar Mall, which will be temporarily renamed the Har-Har-Hardy-Har Mall in their honor. I'll be back in…
It's almost Darwin Day! I just learned that Cornell is going all out: 5 days of events celebrating Darwin's birthday, on February 9-13. That's darned good. The University of Minnesota Twin Cities is doing something slightly smaller in scale on Friday, 10 February, in an afternoon event sponsored by…
I'm giving a talk on "Darwin and Design" at a banquet in Columbus, Ohio on Saturday. It will be fun, and it better be, because you know what I'm giving up? Valentine's Day with the Trophy Wife! I may have to take her out to a movie or something on Friday. There's something else I'll have to miss,…

The proposed science experaments are comic gold. Even with the utter nonsense and pure amusing crap I was taken aback.

18. Is intelligence influenced by physical attributes. i.e. are blondes "dumb" or does skin color influence intelligence?

I see what it wants you to conclude when it says make a wave generator to move some dirt around and conclude the at the strata did not come around at the same time. What the hell conclusion is it digging for here?


50. Why is blood blue in our veins but turns red when we are cut? If we are cut in a vacuum would the blood stay blue?

What if you have a vacuum sealed bag and you put a needle into your vein (for say purposes of blood donation) how long does this blood remain blue in such a condition? ROFL

These guys showed up to the Peter Woit lecture on string theory that CASH hosted last November. They brought a stack of pamphlets detailing their Theory of Everything, which (among other things) declares quantum mechanics a fraud and calls for a Bible-based physics. (Wait, physics?)

The guy was amusing for about the first 2 minutes of his diatribe. I was amazed at the brusqueness with which Woit dismissed him, but then he told me (with the TCCSA guy well within earshot), "I get about 30 e-mails a day from people who want me to look at their crackpot theories."


Doug Tice, the Strib's political editor, talks about the evolution "controversy" here:

Much depends, of course, on what one means by the theory of global warming, or the theory of evolution. In the news article, Drummond goes on to clarify somewhat:

"[W]e are not now arguing," he says, "about whether global warming is going to happen; the argument has turned to: How big is it going to be?"

That seems to leave a large and critical point still open to debate after all.
Somewhat similarly, champions of evolution theory also frequently acknowledge, once they've ridiculed doubters a bit, that, well, yes, there is a fair bit in biology that Darwinism can't yet explain and Science must always open to criticism and questioning and so on and on.

But there is an unbecoming sloppiness, almost a bullying quality, about polemical flourishes like Drummond's and Keller's. They seem a little like warnings that anyone who questions anything about othodoxies like global warming theory or evolutionary theory runs the risk of being labeled a kook. They seem, in a word, dogmatic.

EY: PZ, I think this badly needs a fisking from you....

Well, OK, you can all laugh, but the Volcano is still cool.

But seriously, in case anyone was trying to tell you that Home Schooling does not (often/usually/always?) equal fundamentalists:

"Twin Cities Creation Science Fair" = "Home School Science Fair"

My favorites:

How much voltage or current can a human take before he is killed? Could do experiments on a plant.

Trilobites prove Noah's flood because they are curled up or not?

Can a dog run a maze faster than a gerbil?

My favourites are:
How much voltage or current can a human take before he is killed? Could do experiments on a plant
Were all the animals friendly to man before the Flood? Idea: raise several baby animals like snake and mouse together to see if they remain friends as they are older

Those guys sure know how to test a hypothesis.

I never made it to the ideas page. I was LOLing too much with:
5. Pray your exhibit will witness to non-Christian visitors.
Why is this always a competition with others every damn time? Why can't kids just do some science and have fun?

Ok, I went over there. The spelling and grammar were atrocious. Homeschooling at its finest.
For example:
Make an experiment to show how Boyle's law applies to nebula.
Does sea currents affect climate?
Why do they live longer before the Flood?
What color is our brain? (although one collective brain explains a lot in this case)
Why do cats always land on there feet when they fall?
Why do people eat and drink allot when they are depressed?
Why did God make birds to fly?

And then there are the ones that are just weird. Like:

46. Where are teeth stored?

. . . zuh?


58. Why did God create the moon to control the tides?

Is the answer not contained in the question?
Well, OK, maybe if I researched the topic I'd find out that pre-Moon he got dizzy from having to orbit the earth every day.

Ouch, Mena. That's just painful.

I have a cat who, by direct observational evidence, contradicts the idea that cats "always land on their feet when they fall." I've seen him fall and land on his head several times now. Do you suppose I could submit him as an entry? Maybe as a paradoxical slice of buttered toast?

By Interrobang (not verified) on 16 Jan 2007 #permalink

Is entrance to this sham free/
I would suggest as many peole as possible go along, and trash it (intellectually)

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 16 Jan 2007 #permalink

I'm speechless, so I'll let them speak for themselves. From this page about dinosaur digs:

Why did God create these huge beasts [Triceratops]. Genesis 2:18-19 says that God created them to be a helper to Adam. They were designed to help Adam in his daily work as well as to be his friend. If you have ever had a dog or other pet you know the joy and friendship they provide. Image having a huge pet elephant that, properly trained, obeys your commands and desires with no back talk or argument. This, I am sure this is what the Triceratops and other dinosaurs provided for Adam and early mankind. Each one of these beasts is a picture of God's love and provision for Adam and his kin. It is too bad that, because of sin and the Flood ( some dinosaurs may have died off after the Flood because of climactic changes) we lost the opportunity to have the friendship and help of these huge creatures.

Lucky things. I want a pet elephant that obeys my commands. The one I've got now is full of back talk and argument.

Damn! I missed the bit about some dinosaurs dying off because of 'climactic changes'.

Holy hell, those kids don't have a chance do they? This sort of crap is child abuse. Not only do we have blatently incorrect garbage masquerading as "science experiments" (completely ignoring the anti-evolution ones) like: Why is blood blue in our veins but turns red when we are cut? If we are cut in a vacuum would the blood stay blue? or Do Lilydale closed clam fossils support a world wide flood? Collect 100 shells and compare. or Do we have to sleep to rejuvenate the rods and cones in the eye?

Not to mention the completely UNETHICAL experiments:

Can salt water and fresh water fish live in the same water or not?, How long can flies survive freezing in a frig? (fridge?) or How do mice react after 24 hours of confinement? What about other animals?

However, the "bumpkin" award must go to the kid who does this one:
Does a mare in foal become more ornery than one not?

Special mention for this one: What events caused (people) to become evolutionists? - I don't want to speak for the rest of you guys, but I'm an evolutionist because my mummy didn't hug me enough when I was a child.


"Is entrance to this sham free/
I would suggest as many peole as possible go along, and trash it (intellectually)"

Better yet, the organizers are calling for volunteers to be judges. You don't even need to know much about science (natch) because you will be paired with someone who does. You can still judge the quality of the work.

If this is not an opportunity to witness for atheism, I don't know what is. "Kid, your premise is faulty, so your results are also faulty. Have you ever heard of our friend PZ and the sacrifice he makes to educate people about science?"

It's free and open to the public -- it's at a mall in Minneapolis. There's a catch, though: it's a bunch of little kids. You can't go in and trash it verbally, and you don't get to cuss out the perpetrators of nonsense. Little kids. It's a very clever shield, actually.

I live about 5 minutes away from HarMar mall. I would almost like to go down and check it out, but I think I would just end up getting very depressed by all these kids being captive to their parent's crazy religious notions.

By gravitybear (not verified) on 17 Jan 2007 #permalink

That's hardly the spirit. PZ noted upwards that he going to do more links and stuff. I say you should go to the HarMar mall and take a bunch of pictures. Moreso with the worst of the worst. I mean, being depressed by captive kids is one thing, providing pictures the rest of us can laugh our asses off at is another!

That's hardly the spirit. PZ noted upwards that he going to do more links and stuff. I say you should go to the HarMar mall and take a bunch of pictures. Moreso with the worst of the worst. I mean, being depressed by captive kids is one thing, providing pictures the rest of us can laugh our asses off at is another!

4. Statistical occurrence of giants, and midgets and dwarfs and giantism.

Do I have to say it?

We haven't mentioned it but what about #65:
What affects skin color? Is one color better than another? What was God's purpose in this?
I don't believe in ridiculing little kids, it's the fault of their parents, but that one goes way too far. Hopefully none of them will choose that one.

I think we should all encourage our kids to enter - just not base the findings on Christian mythology. Topics could include:

Estimated voltage/decibels of Zeus' thunderbolt
Evidence of Mayan doomsday calendar correctness
Estimated location of Vallhalla

just sayin'

Deduced location of Yggsadril! (spelling?) Estimated date of Gotterdamerung? Explanation of the galaxy as godess's milk?

And my fave: Get pregnant white mice. Have half of them stare at spotted sticks. See if they have spotted babies. That's Old Testament genetics.

The white mice is my suggestion. I didn't read the list of 114 suggestions I stopped at the one that said scientists think that if they prove that evolution is true then they have proven that God doesn't exist. Talk about loading the question with emotional freight! Has anyone noticed that evolution is an observed fact and that scientists are trying to elucidate its mechanism?

"Put your Bible verse on your project." Has anyone mentioned not confusing scientific evidence with religious writings?

well, most of the suggestions for projects that truly boggle the mind have already been mentioned, but I think they missed one suggestion:

115. Could we solve the problem of global warming by building nuclear reactors with gigantic freezer coils at the north pole?

What do you think? Should I send it in?

By Millimeter Wave (not verified) on 17 Jan 2007 #permalink

Is intelligence influenced by physical attributes. i.e. are blondes "dumb"

True blondness comes from within.

50. Why is blood blue in our veins but turns red when we are cut? If we are cut in a vacuum would the blood stay blue?

Apart from the fact that it would boil...

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 18 Jan 2007 #permalink

Bible verses!

I don't see what's wrong with that. For example, there is one somewhere in an epistle of Paul...

"Test everything, and keep the best!"

Isn't there?

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 18 Jan 2007 #permalink

It occurred to me as I was drifting off to sleep last night that this is actually a dastardly plot by the Discovery Institute. They have spies checking out the displays, and at night they break into the mall, steal the best ones, and submit them as their own for peer review. Then they will laugh at us when we accuse them of having done no research of their own. "HA," they will say, "Look at this fine piece of research we did on the stability of the ark!!"

I'm greatly fond of science fairs, though more in the abstract than the implementation sometimes. (I judged at one once where it seemed to take place on a regular school day, which I think is a bad idea as it disrupts physical education classes, the library and what not in that case.) This bastardization is a shame, to say the least. That said, some of the silly project titles put up above don't sound so bad if guided in appropriate directions by an actually competent science teacher. (Yeah, yeah, I know.) For example, "Are blonds stupider?" could actually teach someone about science's ability to overcome predjudice if done right.

Is intelligence influenced by physical attributes. i.e. are blondes "dumb"

True blondness comes from within.

50. Why is blood blue in our veins but turns red when we are cut? If we are cut in a vacuum would the blood stay blue?

Apart from the fact that it would boil...

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 18 Jan 2007 #permalink

Bible verses!

I don't see what's wrong with that. For example, there is one somewhere in an epistle of Paul...

"Test everything, and keep the best!"

Isn't there?

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 18 Jan 2007 #permalink