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The con, as in this con. The convergence con (known as "connie") is a science fiction convention, and this is the first time I've ever been to one. It is just like such things are depicted in the movies and on TV with one minor exception: On TV and in the movies many of the actors playing Con…
Before it slips too far into the mists of memory, I should probably post some summary thoughts about Nippon 2007, the World SF Convention in Japan that Kate and I attended last week. To some degree, this will be inside-baseball stuff, but if you're not interested in fannish stuff, rest assured,…

Now that's a cuisine to delight the taste buds!

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 21 Jan 2007 #permalink

My wife and I attended an Edible Insect panel at a furry convention a few years ago.

It tasted like chicken. Very small, very crunchy, covered with spices chicken.

That looked like toasted worm.


By Jeffrey Cornish (not verified) on 21 Jan 2007 #permalink

I am a proud owner of this cookbook. Warning: Some of the recipes produce inedible or even lethal results.

By theophylact (not verified) on 21 Jan 2007 #permalink

theophylact- Does the cookbook have recipes with insects as ingredients?

Two thoughts ...

ONE: I always thought that the ideal food-concession for any SF-Con would be the garlic-mushroom stall!

TWO: When I was small, and (as all small children do) asked what was this food that I didn't like (and didn't know) was - got the answer from my father: "It's fried Widgetty Grubs, and it's Delicious!

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 21 Jan 2007 #permalink

Actually, I think grasshoppers taste better curried than grubs. Mealworms are great ground up in cracker dips or cookies. Crickets don't really taste good in anything. Cicadas are fabulous either as tempura or dipped in chocolate, and silkworms and bananas frozen in chocolate make an excellent dessert. Scorpions make a nice salad topper, and waterbugs are peel-and-eat. Cockroaches taste like perfume.

I've run several insect-eating programs for the museum I work at and they're always a great success. People love/hate/are fascinated by eating bugs.