Now I want the video

Here's another account of Phil Plait's talk at TAM5, with more details. I think he threw in a little bit of snark there.

I won't complain, though—I can afford to be magnanimous after my overwhelming victory over Bad Astronomy.

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Cute picture of you, PZ!

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 22 Jan 2007 #permalink

There won't be video, at least not for a while. Since Randi's organization makes and sells a DVD of the conference, they asked that nobody video the proceedings.

I will confirm the snark, though. :)

"I'm really going to have to get myself to TAM6 so we can have a Snark Duel."

Very true, PZ. But then you'll be coming back again & again. Going to TAM is the sceptical equivalent of potato chips.