Tangled Bank #72

The Tangled Bank

The latest Tangled Bank is online at Ouroboros, and it's a big one. I noticed what seemed to be an awful lot of entries whizzing through my mailbox on the way, so I had a suspicion that we were giving Chris a workout with this edition.

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I hate to break the news to him, but he's just so Johnny Snow. I've grated against ol' Wayne a few times before to mock his awful polls, and now I think he has finally snapped, babbling out incoherent mush about how atheists are just like believers, only worse…and he really doesn't like me. I don't…
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The Second Edition of the Darwin is Dead carnival is up. I think we can declare that the "Darwin is Dead carnival" is dead now. Orac seems to have had a little problem tallying up the entries, but out of 7 links: Three are satires of ID and creationism. One is a press release from the Discovery…

Hello! i am a begginer and my english is bad.

I have a question. How can i suscribe to comments?, i know the metod for suscribe posts and new histories but i don't know how alert me when a new comment is publicated in this blog.

thanks and sorry for my bad english.

By L1 mediated ge… (not verified) on 31 Jan 2007 #permalink