Read House Bill H0224, the appointment of a state poet laureate, and you'll see what I mean.
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When I was a wee college lad, 40++ years ago, as part of a political science class at my alma mater we took a day trip to St. Paul to observe a session of the legislature. A neighbor and father of one of my best friends was our state senator, so I spent the majority of my time there in the gallery of that exalted chamber.
The bill under consideration that day sought to establish the loon as the Minnesota state bird. The clerk read the bill out loud in bored tones and then the sponsor stood up and spewed forth some pious platitudes on behalf of that fine species. Just as the president of the body started to call for a vote another senator asked for the floor. He stood up and in stentorian tones began "I move that in paragraph X on line Y we strike the word 'Loon' and insert the words 'Old Crow'." As titters spread through the Senate chamber floor accompanied by guffaws in the gallery, the senator extended his motion to cover every occurrence of the word 'Loon' in the bill. Following this he gave a short speach extolling the virtues of the whiskey, including how it was widely found in the vicinity of Hennepin and Washington Avenues in Minneapolis (at the time the city's Skid Row) and comparable neighborhoods in St. Paul and Duluth.
When the senator was finished the Chair called for a voice vote on the amendment, and it passed overwhelmingly. Then some spoil sport called for a roll call and all the senators chickened out, so to speak.
After the session ended I called on my neighbor in his office and he was somewhat embarrassed about the proceedings, defensively asserting that it was the first such humorous episode during that term.
Kentucky HR256.
"Encourage the purchase of a submarine to patrol the waters of the Commonwealth and search and destroy all casino riverboats."
Yes, it was a joke.
judging by the quality of that doggerel bill, Minnesota needs a poet laureate.
I think it's wonderful that the legislature bothers to appoint a state poet laureate, and I'm delighted that they have a sense of humor about the job. If Al Franken's candidacy didn't already have me dreaming of moving to MN, this might do it.
OTOH, somebody should be shot for rhyming "laureate" with "be great." ;^)
Maybe the impeachment resolutions that are blossoming all over the place should be done in verse.
Georgie Bush, what a bastard
We impeach than lousy asstard.
Too bad Edgar Guest isn't around to take up the mantle ...
Meatn no offense to Minnesotans ... Guest was poet laureate of Michigan.
I thought that a pinnacle of legislative fun was reached by Idaho, in praising Napoleon Dynamite
Who wouldn't like a bill containing this threat?
"Any members of the House of Representatives or the Senate of the Legislature of the State of Idaho who choose to vote "Nay" on this concurrent resolution are "FREAKIN' IDIOTS!" and run the risk of having the "Worst Day of Their Lives!"
Excellent! I'm job-hunting, so I'll let you know how it goes if I get an interview.