A love song for Pharyngula


On the subject of squidlove: is anyone else lusting after the new Lego Aqua Raiders Aquabase Invasion set? It features a giant squid ("tentacles open and close!") attacking a hapless underwater research station (inside which the intrepid biologists can "have a cup of coffee at the control panel!").

On the subject of squidlove: is anyone else lusting after the new Lego Aqua Raiders Aquabase Invasion set?

ZOMG Lego squid?? Greatest. Toy. EVAR!

I want it has always been a good enough reason for me.

I think you should just pick it up for the sake of family fun time. "The family that bricks together sticks together," you know.

(My 26-year-old brother is still quite the Lego maniac. He seems stuck on the Star Wars stuff, though... I think it's time he branched out a bit.)

who's to say that Legos are merely toys? It'd be a great classroom prop!

They use them all the time over in the physics department. Surely, a biologist could come up with some excuse to keep some LEGO around.

The song in the comic would be huge in Japan, by the way.

On the subject of squidlove: is anyone else lusting after the new Lego Aqua Raiders Aquabase Invasion set? It features a giant squid ("tentacles open and close!") attacking a hapless underwater research station (inside which the intrepid biologists can "have a cup of coffee at the control panel!").

sounds like an episode of Sealab 2021. I can just picture Capt. Murphy with the cup of coffee, though he'd more likely pour it INTO the control panel.

I was quite thrilled to see a tagline for a story at the top of the Albuquerque Journal recently that said something to the effect of "Happiness on the High Sea: Squid" Now, I guess I misread it, and I KNOW I totally failed to read the entire tag line before buying the paper, because I SHOULD HAVE NOTICED it was in the FOOD section of the paper...


ok, someone can hand me my sign now.

oh, and on the topic of the Legos Raiders Aquabase Invasion set... haven't seen it. But I HAVE seen the Hot Wheels OctoBlast which features a very angry looking green octopus in the middle of a twisty turny series of race tracks (hmmm, maybe THAT'S WHY he's angry?).

I can just picture Capt. Murphy with the cup of coffee, though he'd more likely pour it INTO the control panel.

No, no, he gets trapped under the falling coffee machine.

I think I've seen that one. At least twice.

JD Malmquist: Indeed. I have taken a university level (graduate level, even) course that used Lego as a substantial component. No, it wasn't early childhood education or something like that. It was Ethics For Robots. Mindstorms kits are getting serious attention by some of us philosophers for various purposes. Peter Danielson was the instructor.