I'm joining Larry Moran in applying the thumbscrews to John Logsdon, who has just started a new blog. He's got to do more than just one short tease of a post!
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"Sex, genes and evolution."
Which one of those three words do you suppose will get him more hits from search engines?
RE : "Sex, genes and evolution." Which one of those three words do you suppose will get him more hits from search engines?"
Followed by "llama sex." Actually, I lied, llama sex only gets 1,220,000 hits on google. Over a million freaking hits!! What are people doing out there?
Will be checking that out in the future. Cheers.
Thanks for the prod, PZ. Two posts this afternoon. It's a start.
What I want to know is why beepbeepitsme even tried "llama sex"...
"sex" gets 435 million.
RE john
It would take too long to explain, but it is basically based on a joke about sex.
And there is something amusing to me, at least, about llamas. Not to mention that there is a heck of a lot of things that are amusing about sex.
Llamas are a long-running injoke in the computer games industry (I think Jeff Minter started it). There are a *lot* of llamas in mid 80's/early 90's games. Almost every Infocom and Sim game had a llama reference in it.