Blissful Blogiversary to Archy

The spring of 2003 must have been a good time to start a blog — that's when I started, and beating me by a couple of months was archy. Congratulations on your persistence!


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Man, you're just paving the way for me in everything. So what happened to you today, so I can prepare for its occurrence in 2 months for me?

Well, dear PZ, your blog was one of the first ones I started to read. And now I am blogging as well. Good job on your blog although sometimes you can be quite a radical (no offense)!

I never claimed to be the pioneer. When I started, I was following the lead of David Neiwert at Orcinus. He also got me started reading Doc Savage paperbacks when we were in the seventh grade, so I'm just another born follower.

Wow. I started my blog in Spring 2003 too.

Not that it's as widely read as yours, but that's because it's a personal journal and I never link to it.